Game 3 - @Iona, 11/16/21, 7 PM EST

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Re: Game 3 - @Iona, 11/16/21, 7 PM EST

Post by HUSID74 »

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Re: Game 3 - @Iona, 11/16/21, 7 PM EST

Post by Polito »

You guys are posting like it's news lol - everyone knows this stuff already, it's old. These articles say he's the worst man on planet earth. And yet here we are, Pitino coaching and winning just fine in the NCAA. He didn't even get the toughest punishments, so seems like not as huge of a deal to others as you both are making it out to be.

You think Pitino is the only one to helm a program that pushes the envelope?? Do you have any idea what goes on in P5 football?? You think the SEC just lands 5 stars because they work hard in recruiting? lol

You guys would crap your pants if a couple of entertainers bother you :lol:

Look, I'm not saying I want to sell out to the devil, but for goodness sake let's not act like we're 'above' everyone else. And if you think HU hasn't skirted the line before in it's history, you are living in a dream world. This stuff happens everywhere. It's not right, I have morals too, but this is a business folks. It happens.

And we'll sit here all high and mighty, watching the NCAAT from the couch year after year while Iona cashes in on actually WINNING. Because they have nads to do what it takes. That little 'ol school pumped over a million bucks into hiring their HC alone... and here we have HU trying to do everything on the cheap. It's infuriating.

And I should get hype about finishing 4th for umpteen years? For almost? For so close? For a couple of plays away? This university needs to raise it's WINNING standards, not just it's principles. Keep the values, I'm all for it, but how about let's put some emphasis and onus actually winning championships in this weak league instead of blowing a bunch of hot air about it for decades on end. I'm over it. You win or you don't, end of story.

I would've taken Pitino in a NY minute - and I'm sure I'm in the minority on this board. I wouldn't want him to cheat, and I HIGHLY doubt he's doing anything illegal at Iona. That's just what the 'have nots' like to say to justify the fact they aren't winning and someone else is. Everyone hates a winner. Wish we had that problem.

Also wouldn't care if he left in 3 years. Iona will make more money to fund it's entire athletic department while HU claims poverty (even though we know they're not), and will gain more national branding and attention in that timeframe than HU will in decades of 'trying'.

Anyhoo, just a fun convo, he's not at HU, never will be. We have what we have. We'll see how things play out in the end.
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