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Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:06 pm
by stuball888
Wind up losing to a mediocre georgetown team 13-11. Did you hear that, its Politos head exploding.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:19 pm
by Polito
YEP. :evil:


ST MUST GO - end of this yr, period - making next thread - have a feeling will happen a lot

C'mon ST lovers, what's the excuse for this one?? Sure you have one - they seem to be never-ending - Could make a book of them - so far this yr it's been 1 too emotional 2 playing conditions 3 ?? Let me help - you still have youth, player errors, bad matchup, travel issues causing exhaustion, the wind, whole team sick, obamacare, the drought in CA, etc etc etc

Course you always have your "go-to" that its Hofstra University's fault as an institution that ST can't get it together - that's a great one, so big so vague so unprovable that yo can use to to excuse off an entire career

You guys are already prepping to use it to excuse this season - just remember YOU few set this up by proclaiming at this team is full of talent and is the best under ST in yrs - well if the talent is there and you still don't produce, HHMMMM

This would all be laughable if it wasn't so horrific to the program - deep down I know you guys are feeling it too - this 3rd loss I guarantee scares even the deepest ST supporter - even you see this staff is inadequate, though you prob won't admit it yet - you'll continue holding on to the hope that they won't blow it all and might actually win the CAA this yr

No choice but to wait and see right, another season long wait to see if they can do something when it matters most - cool, let's keep on waiting.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:13 am
by stuball888
I took a look at our remaining schedule here is how I see it.
Ohio State 4-1 away game loss
Providence 2-1 home game win
St Johns home game win
UMass home game win
Delaware win
Drexel win
Cornell loss
towson loss
Fairfield giving us the benefit of the doubt and give us a win
that gives us an overall record of 7-6.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:19 am
by stuball888
The key game is the last of the year. I see us 3-1 in conference with the Fairfield game determining if we even get into the CAA tourney. Lose that game our season is over. Win it and it gives us a chance . Actually I didnt realize how much UMass Delaware and dexel have fallen this year. The CAA is very weak this year.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:00 am
by HofstraHockey
The fact that they could even be under .500 is horrendous. Not like they haven't blown a game or two against St. John's before...

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:11 am
by stuball888
Mccardle is gone and they lost to I think marist or Siena. This schedule is so weak this year with the CAA being down and the OOC the weakest its been in years. We have some good teams on it princeton, Ohio State and Cornell and some stinkers like manhattan St johns etc.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:09 pm
by HUSID80
Yeh Stu and Princeton beat Hopkins yesterday. Bottom line win the CAA games and all is forgiven.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:12 pm
by stuball888
No at large from the CAA so we need to win the CAA title. That means win the CAA tourney. No margin for error.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:17 pm
by Flying Dutchmen
We're the better team in the next seven games, five being home games. Let's see where we stand after that stretch. Sorry, I just cannot get worked up about losing one and two goal games, in February, against quality teams. Barring running the table until the CAA Championship game, I don't think an at-large is a possibility.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 1:28 pm
by Polito
Is that you Seth?

Yeah, you're right, nothing to worry about, business as usual


You've come to that analysis due to 1 win against a cake walk manhattan team - that's nice

I've learned over the past 9 friggin yrs that ST teams lose close games every single season - EVERY ONE - somehow he is on the losing end of 1-2 goal losses most times, whether its a good season or not - I find that interesting no? Seems to me that little bit of info is meaningless with him when gauging whether his team is good or not - CHOKING is a word that comes to mind when I think of that type of performance

See it works if it only happens one yr, or very rarely - but if it happens every single yr it doesn't mean you're so close to being good, it means the opposite - you're not good, you're hanging on by a thread, and you're not doing something right

But interesting thought that HU is losing to quality opponents and def better than their next 7 - sounds like you're saying HU should really win them all, no excuse not to, esp with 5 at home right - cool, lets see...

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:06 pm
by HofstraPride1
In fairness Polito they did win a ton of close games in 2008 and 2009. Since 2012 though the one-goal losses has been major frustration and it certainly is concerning. It also shows you though that we aren't far away.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:15 pm
by Flying Dutchmen
Polito wrote:Is that you Seth?

Yeah, you're right, nothing to worry about, business as usual


You've come to that analysis due to 1 win against a cake walk manhattan team - that's nice

I've learned over the past 9 friggin yrs that ST teams lose close games every single season - EVERY ONE - somehow he is on the losing end of 1-2 goal losses most times, whether its a good season or not - I find that interesting no? Seems to me that little bit of info is meaningless with him when gauging whether his team is good or not - CHOKING is a word that comes to mind when I think of that type of performance

See it works if it only happens one yr, or very rarely - but if it happens every single yr it doesn't mean you're so close to being good, it means the opposite - you're not good, you're hanging on by a thread, and you're not doing something right

But interesting thought that HU is losing to quality opponents and def better than their next 7 - sounds like you're saying HU should really win them all, no excuse not to, esp with 5 at home right - cool, lets see...
That's exactly what I'm saying.

Don't get me wrong, I really couldn't care less who's the HC of the Men's Lacrosse team. But like any business, you don't kick someone to the curb unless you're positive they're the reason for the failure. Have you even seen the team play yet? I can't make an honest assessment about this team unless I see them play, in person. Last year I saw Hofstra beat a more talented Cornell team, one of many other wins I've seen during his tenure, so I have a requisite amount of confidence that Tierney is not shitting the bed as our HC this year.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:59 pm
by 3r20
This is becoming an embarrassment. I can predict ST's press conference....."working hard, we will right the hard in practice..." If this is our flagship program.."the ship be sinkin"

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:59 pm
by stuball888
This just in . A 4.8 quake on the Island as Mount Polito just erupted. cant wait to hear his tirade. Although it might be tempered by Hofstra basketball win the CAA tourney.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:31 am
by Polito
Naahhhh no worries guys, it was only a 1 goal loss! In some imaginary worlds that's ok, it's not a 'real' loss :roll:

1-4 with a WEAK schedule

Did you guys hear that?

That's HU Lax falling further into complete irrelevance

And no FD, I will not be supporting this staff - at this point to me they are practically stealing from this U - unfortunately because they managed to finally win some games against another totally crap schedule last yr we may have to endure this sh!t show for another yr

But I sure hope not, for the programs sake - so hey, the more they lose the better shot he's forced out sooner rather than later

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:27 am
by BringBackFootball
Hofstra Lacrosse is getting to the point where folks are no longer angry or upset, they are apathetic. Not much lacrosse talk on the Hofstra pages...... Program is dying. Very sad.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:49 am
by stuball888
Flying Dutchman with all due respect. You said we should not get upset losing 1 or 2 goal games to quality teams in February. Only problem is we are losing to unranked teams. Georgetown is a mediocre team at best. Ohio State is unranked . Princeton the score was closer than the way the game went. I think Princeton was up 13-8 before we rally late.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:53 am
by HofstraHockey
Marquette has gone on quite the run since beating Hofstra, and is now in the top 10.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:47 pm
by stuball888
HH have you seen who they beat. Not exactly a whos who of college lacrosse. they do play ND, Duke later this year.

Re: 2015 Pride Mens Lacrosse

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:28 pm
by Flying Dutchmen
stuball888 wrote:Flying Dutchman with all due respect. You said we should not get upset losing 1 or 2 goal games to quality teams in February. Only problem is we are losing to unranked teams. Georgetown is a mediocre team at best. Ohio State is unranked . Princeton the score was closer than the way the game went. I think Princeton was up 13-8 before we rally late.
Here's the reality, this thread proves that almost nobody cares about the program in a very real sense.

I'm "defending" the staff now, so I don't look like a moron when this gets turned around at the end of the year. Yes I thought they would handle Ohio St, but the reality is they have to win the CAAT to make the dance, which still seems feasible, because we have not bad blowout losses. Hey, if it doesn't get turned around, you can rub it in all you want.

Who goes to the games on this board? Polito, Stu, could you name half the starting lineup without checking the roster? Don't get me wrong, I can't right now myself, I'm still in hoops mode and have only been passively following the team this year to this point. It really sucks they moved the season start up three weeks, it used to be a great transitional sport from the hoops season, and I think it's a big reason support for the program has dwindled.

There has been pretty much zero analysis in this thread as to why we're losing other than the fact we "should" be winning, which has been the thing that has irked me.

Do we have a crappy FO guy? Inexperienced defensemen, bad goaltending? Maybe we should be losing to these teams, maybe they finance their programs better than Hofstra, maybe they're more experienced, etc. Shoot, even Ohio State crushed our conference rival Delaware, and played a 1 goal game with Marquette, who is 7-0 right now. Who can really say we can't win the CAA this year because we had a crappy start? It's not like we're playing like Manhattan or anything, the CAA is down overall, only Towson looks any good.

I'm not going until 3/17 vs. St Johns at the earliest. When I take a look at the team and see how they play, I'll make an assessment on whether we're ok or we suck. Not that my opinion means much, but I'm not going to trash the team for losing close games without watching in person or even on TV. If they suck, I'll join the hate parade.