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Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 1:34 pm
by Polito

And no way, can't be, not possible for a program at HU's level to compete in the national lax game anymore. ;) :P

How's it feel watching our long-time rival across 2 conferences rake in the limelight in the game HU used to own? Does it feel like keeping the status quo is the winning move? Let me guess - the mantra will be we beat UD once so clearly we can be that team next year!

Always next year... until it isn't. 11 years running, let's make it 12! Can't wait.

This situation is nearly identical to VT football. Replaced a legend (Frank Beamer) with a guy that looked to have all the tools to continue to carry the torch (Justin Fuente). JF initially had success... off of Beamers coattails, players, and a lingering reputation. But after the first couple of years things began to tail off. All that residual positive from the actual successful coach faded away. The winning stopped, the recruiting tanked, and all of a sudden it became clear that JF wasn't right. Not that he can't coach. That he wasn't right for VT. It took 7 years for VT's brass to pick up their cajones and make the right call. A hard decision, they always are, but one that HAD to be made. Meanwhile the program nose-dived, and now it will take a couple of YEARS to recover it. Hopefully.

HU is doing the exact same thing - replaced a legend with a guy who looked to have what it takes - had success at the start, but the last many years things have fallen off a cliff. HU and some fans continue to make excuses, pretending / hoping it's ok, grasping at straws that things are on the right track and success is around the corner. Or that this is the best that can be hoped for. It isn't. Meanwhile the program is in the toilet and will take years to recover it - hopefully.

This won't change until HU's brass finds its pair to make the right call and do what it takes to bring the program back from the dead. In the meantime, HU will keep latching itself on to hosting the Quarters, as if that's some big success for HU Lax. Nah, love the event and that it's at HU, but it's just success for everyone else who's actually playing in it.

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 8:30 pm
by Dutchflid
Polito wrote:lol

And no way, can't be, not possible for a program at HU's level to compete in the national lax game anymore. ;) :P

How's it feel watching our long-time rival across 2 conferences rake in the limelight in the game HU used to own? Does it feel like keeping the status quo is the winning move? Let me guess - the mantra will be we beat UD once so clearly we can be that team next year!

Always next year... until it isn't. 11 years running, let's make it 12! Can't wait.

This situation is nearly identical to VT football. Replaced a legend (Frank Beamer) with a guy that looked to have all the tools to continue to carry the torch (Justin Fuente). JF initially had success... off of Beamers coattails, players, and a lingering reputation. But after the first couple of years things began to tail off. All that residual positive from the actual successful coach faded away. The winning stopped, the recruiting tanked, and all of a sudden it became clear that JF wasn't right. Not that he can't coach. That he wasn't right for VT. It took 7 years for VT's brass to pick up their cajones and make the right call. A hard decision, they always are, but one that HAD to be made. Meanwhile the program nose-dived, and now it will take a couple of YEARS to recover it. Hopefully.

HU is doing the exact same thing - replaced a legend with a guy who looked to have what it takes - had success at the start, but the last many years things have fallen off a cliff. HU and some fans continue to make excuses, pretending / hoping it's ok, grasping at straws that things are on the right track and success is around the corner. Or that this is the best that can be hoped for. It isn't. Meanwhile the program is in the toilet and will take years to recover it - hopefully.

This won't change until HU's brass finds its pair to make the right call and do what it takes to bring the program back from the dead. In the meantime, HU will keep latching itself on to hosting the Quarters, as if that's some big success for HU Lax. Nah, love the event and that it's at HU, but it's just success for everyone else who's actually playing in it.
Have you spoken with Dr. Poser or Mr. Cole, or anybody else at Hofstra that would be in position to make a decision like the one you want? We would all love to hear what they replied since you are clearly the only one that knows the answers.

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 1:59 pm
by Polito
Now now Dutchflid, that's a lazy response. C'mon, you are one of the more knowledgeable and real lax fans on the board with a lot to add. I expect better from a poster like you, something that contributes to the topic.

I gave feedback and a fair take on your Navy / Amplo topic... zero response. I just provided an intriguing comparison of what's happening with HU mens lax to the situation I watched play out for VT football - zero input on that. Just an insult. I totally get this may be a bit more personal or sensitive for you, but still, tsk tsk.

So let me try again and ask YOU the question: What do you think those folks would say? Because the fact that this has been allowed to go on this long makes it pretty clear. I have said it before and will again here now:

Allowing a tradition rich historically successful borderline flagship program to die like they've done with mens lax by taking NO action for over a DECADE putting ONE MAN above the program seemingly because of their good ol boy network (otherwise why??) is straight up athletics malpractice - it's complete and total negligence.

Where is the accountability? Granted college sports is definitely about more than just winning, it's the enrichment of young lives, and the overall value is enormous and worth every penny.

But at some point, even in college, I would think an athletic program is supposed to actually, I don't know, win? Progress even?? Something! It's not a never-ending money pit to just burn funds for the fun of it. Pretty sure a coaching staff of adults is being paid to put a winning product on the field of play. Crazy thought, but true.

Yet here we are. So what could possibly be the answer??

It's not that bad? This is the best we can do? We don't have enough money? There's no need? We don't see an issue? We don't know how? ST is our buddy? We believe we're so close? MLax isn't that important? No one's been arrested? Kids are graduating, so what's the big deal? We're satisfied with the results?

For the life of me, I literally can't think of a single acceptable reason that no changes have or would be made. Just for fun, imagine for a moment the HU admin had to go before a congressional committee and explain themselves. Seriously, how do you excuse it?? We're probably talking Amber Heard legal team comedy here!

Have I asked them directly? No, I have not yet. This is a message board, I am simply posting my thoughts and opinions for discussion among us fans. But I would be happy to ask them if they have the courage to field the question.

My bet on the 'answer', presuming they actually replied? A dodgy one.

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 4:27 pm
by Dutchflid
Polito wrote:Now now Dutchflid, that's a lazy response. C'mon, you are one of the more knowledgeable and real lax fans on the board with a lot to add. I expect better from a poster like you, something that contributes to the topic.

I gave feedback and a fair take on your Navy / Amplo topic... zero response. I just provided an intriguing comparison of what's happening with HU mens lax to the situation I watched play out for VT football - zero input on that. Just an insult. I totally get this may be a bit more personal or sensitive for you, but still, tsk tsk.

So let me try again and ask YOU the question: What do you think those folks would say? Because the fact that this has been allowed to go on this long makes it pretty clear. I have said it before and will again here now:

Allowing a tradition rich historically successful borderline flagship program to die like they've done with mens lax by taking NO action for over a DECADE putting ONE MAN above the program seemingly because of their good ol boy network (otherwise why??) is straight up athletics malpractice - it's complete and total negligence.

Where is the accountability? Granted college sports is definitely about more than just winning, it's the enrichment of young lives, and the overall value is enormous and worth every penny.

But at some point, even in college, I would think an athletic program is supposed to actually, I don't know, win? Progress even?? Something! It's not a never-ending money pit to just burn funds for the fun of it. Pretty sure a coaching staff of adults is being paid to put a winning product on the field of play. Crazy thought, but true.

Yet here we are. So what could possibly be the answer??

It's not that bad? This is the best we can do? We don't have enough money? There's no need? We don't see an issue? We don't know how? ST is our buddy? We believe we're so close? MLax isn't that important? No one's been arrested? Kids are graduating, so what's the big deal? We're satisfied with the results?

For the life of me, I literally can't think of a single acceptable reason that no changes have or would be made. Just for fun, imagine for a moment the HU admin had to go before a congressional committee and explain themselves. Seriously, how do you excuse it?? We're probably talking Amber Heard legal team comedy here!

Have I asked them directly? No, I have not yet. This is a message board, I am simply posting my thoughts and opinions for discussion among us fans. But I would be happy to ask them if they have the courage to field the question.

My bet on the 'answer', presuming they actually replied? A dodgy one.
first off, if this was a congressional hearing no one wuld show up and if they did they wouldn't answere anything - a couple of things you said couldn't be the answer are IMHO the answers.

50 kids on roster - 12.9 scholarships equal 37.1 tuitions
no kids arrested or major off field incidents to embarrass the college
They would love to win but realize how near impossible that would be under the circumstances (location, location, location)
Coach Tierney brings in a lot of revenue and good will that another coach may or may not be able to do.
I have never met Mr. Metzger but my guess he and his pockets are happy with ST.

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 5:20 pm
by Polito
lolol love that first line, right you are good sir!! :D

And you know what? I agree with you fully that the reasons you listed are likely their reasons. And that is awful and why this program is in the toilet. Which is my point. That kind of thinking is so below average it's scary, and I simply can't and won't support it. That is not a winning mindset. There is no urgency to succeed. Just to exist.

And therefore they have no juice, no vibe, no fans, and no future until it changes. Why should fans care if the admin doesn't?

They shouldn't. And don't. To think that's ok is infuriating to those that desire better for the program. And I don't mean perfection - simply a clear effort and effective strive for excellence in all they do. And it is real hard to find anything excellent about their approach.

So loserville is where they live and where they'll stay until someone with a vision and real leadership comes along. Year after year after year after year... yawn.

(PS: I would love to learn more about all this money that ST brings in lol. Metzger, of course. Perhaps that just means that because Metzger likes ST he's indirectly bringing in money. Because other than that, what is all this financial prowess he brings? He some kind of a multi-millionaire now ones aware of? :lol: )

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 10:26 pm
by HofstraPride1
Dutchflid wrote:
Polito wrote:Now now Dutchflid, that's a lazy response. C'mon, you are one of the more knowledgeable and real lax fans on the board with a lot to add. I expect better from a poster like you, something that contributes to the topic.

I gave feedback and a fair take on your Navy / Amplo topic... zero response. I just provided an intriguing comparison of what's happening with HU mens lax to the situation I watched play out for VT football - zero input on that. Just an insult. I totally get this may be a bit more personal or sensitive for you, but still, tsk tsk.

So let me try again and ask YOU the question: What do you think those folks would say? Because the fact that this has been allowed to go on this long makes it pretty clear. I have said it before and will again here now:

Allowing a tradition rich historically successful borderline flagship program to die like they've done with mens lax by taking NO action for over a DECADE putting ONE MAN above the program seemingly because of their good ol boy network (otherwise why??) is straight up athletics malpractice - it's complete and total negligence.

Where is the accountability? Granted college sports is definitely about more than just winning, it's the enrichment of young lives, and the overall value is enormous and worth every penny.

But at some point, even in college, I would think an athletic program is supposed to actually, I don't know, win? Progress even?? Something! It's not a never-ending money pit to just burn funds for the fun of it. Pretty sure a coaching staff of adults is being paid to put a winning product on the field of play. Crazy thought, but true.

Yet here we are. So what could possibly be the answer??

It's not that bad? This is the best we can do? We don't have enough money? There's no need? We don't see an issue? We don't know how? ST is our buddy? We believe we're so close? MLax isn't that important? No one's been arrested? Kids are graduating, so what's the big deal? We're satisfied with the results?

For the life of me, I literally can't think of a single acceptable reason that no changes have or would be made. Just for fun, imagine for a moment the HU admin had to go before a congressional committee and explain themselves. Seriously, how do you excuse it?? We're probably talking Amber Heard legal team comedy here!

Have I asked them directly? No, I have not yet. This is a message board, I am simply posting my thoughts and opinions for discussion among us fans. But I would be happy to ask them if they have the courage to field the question.

My bet on the 'answer', presuming they actually replied? A dodgy one.
first off, if this was a congressional hearing no one wuld show up and if they did they wouldn't answere anything - a couple of things you said couldn't be the answer are IMHO the answers.

50 kids on roster - 12.9 scholarships equal 37.1 tuitions
no kids arrested or major off field incidents to embarrass the college
They would love to win but realize how near impossible that would be under the circumstances (location, location, location)
Coach Tierney brings in a lot of revenue and good will that another coach may or may not be able to do.
I have never met Mr. Metzger but my guess he and his pockets are happy with ST.
I don't get what you mean by "location, location, location" given that Long Island is a hotbed for lacrosse and that if anything should be a positive and also given we have an incredible facilities. Yes there are many local players who want to go away no doubt but that has been case for a very long time and in past we were able to navigate around that.

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 9:37 am
by Polito
My guess here is the aspect of much of the local talent wanting to go off Island.

I don't discount that this is true overall. It's not just wanting to go away, it's also that lax opens the doors to some incredible schools. Lots of talent is going to go elsewhere.

BUT NOT ALL OF IT. There is PLENTY of talent that will stay - BUT HU has to give them something to stay for. Very few top kids are going to want to play for HU and never make a tournament. Sorry, but that blows. Especially when you're not getting an Ivy or top name degree to boot.

HU isn't going to beat the ACC on most fronts, so they HAVE to be attractive by WINNING. And when HU doesn't win, it has little to market to that talent, other than being one of 2 higher end spots for the small pool of kids to go that actually want to stay home just for the sake of staying home.

And you know what? There are plenty of mid-atlantic kids that don't want to go to stay local and go to Towson, or are just outside of the UVA or Maryland or Duke talent level that can be recruited here. There is NO excuse. There is a TON of talent across the country, and HU can absolutely recruit enough of them to be better than they are. They just don't have the right leadership for this program at this point in time.

It's really not debatable anymore. HU should be much better. Plenty of similar programs are. HU needs change. Full stop.

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:00 pm
by garyg
Newsday came out with their All Long Island lacrosse teams today and I believe NOT ONE player has chosen Hofstra ??????????

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:00 pm
by garyg
Newsday came out with their All Long Island lacrosse teams today and I believe NOT ONE player has chosen Hofstra ??????????

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:23 pm
by HofstraPride1
garyg wrote:Newsday came out with their All Long Island lacrosse teams today and I believe NOT ONE player has chosen Hofstra ??????????
Unfortunately that is true, although women's lacrosse had one in Massapequa goalie Luchianna Cardello.

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:34 pm
by triplec2195
The last time I looked at the top 100 players coming out of Long Island we had only signed ONE player a kid from Farmingdale HS!!

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:34 pm
by triplec2195
Did he de-commit??

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:40 pm
by garyg
Not that it will do much good but I sent a scathing email to Rick Cole regarding the state of the Hofstra lacrosse program...

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:03 pm
by triplec2195
garyg wrote:Not that it will do much good but I sent a scathing email to Rick Cole regarding the state of the Hofstra lacrosse program...
Good work Gary need to have a mutiny on the bounty

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:28 am
by Jojogunne
Anyone here remember D Mike Skudin, who played for Hofstra in 2007-10? His cousin, Casey, died tragically when a huge tree limb crushed the family car during a visit to North Carolina: ... est,142102?

I remember the Skudin family had a surfing business down in Long Beach.

Mike had a nice professional career after graduating from Hofstra, winning two MLS titles.

My condolences to the Skudin family on their loss.

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:21 pm
by stuball888
My grandson still surfs at the Skudin surfs school in the summer
His cousin Will and Cliff runs the school and younger brother Woody is in charge of Life Gusrds at my beach club

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 6:14 pm
by Dutchflid
Big day is Oct 8th.
It is National Fluffernutter Day (look it up)
10:00am Hofstra Men's Lacrosse v. Wagner
2:45pm Hofstra Men's Lacrosse v. Lehigh
5:00pm Polito makes his first ST must go post
6:00pm FLID makes his first snarky reply

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 7:33 am
by HofstraPride1
Congrats to 2011 Hofstra mlax alum Steven DeNapoli on winning PLL title Sunday with the Waterdogs Lacrosse Club ... hgrnZwkeJw
Steve was a very hard nosed player at Hofstra in the defensive midfield as a walk-on who then earned a full scholarship by senior year who you could always rely on in clearing game and always great to see him shine in pro career.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:03 am
by Polito
Now Dutchflid THAT was funny! I’m at a conf and legit laughed out loud :lol:

Great play, respect my friend 8-)

Re: Hofstra Lacrosse 2022

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:00 am
by Jojogunne
HofstraPride1 wrote:Congrats to 2011 Hofstra mlax alum Steven DeNapoli on winning PLL title Sunday with the Waterdogs Lacrosse Club ... hgrnZwkeJw
Steve was a very hard nosed player at Hofstra in the defensive midfield as a walk-on who then earned a full scholarship by senior year who you could always rely on in clearing game and always great to see him shine in pro career.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
DeNapoli, 33, is also the Waterdogs' captain.