Mask Mandate

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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by joeg1 »

I'll stand by my sentiment that we should consider the safety of others when we make decisions. I can sacrifice a little freedom/comfort for the benefit of my neighbor. But if you only care about yourself, don't bother, I guess.

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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by Polito »

Good Lord Joe.
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by stuball888 »

To me its about common sense If i go to someones house or business I see what their policy is Example my training studio is mask optional Those that want to wear a mask do those that dont want to wear a mask dont I have a couple of clients who are high risk They wear a mask or I give them the option of the trainer wearing a mask It seems to work since we can keep our clients 8 to 12 feet apart
Now today went to my bank The sign asks me to wear a mask when I come in so I do. I asked the teller why the mask He said to protect the tellers from the customers He said this while talking behind a one inch fortified plexiglass That an assault rifle cant pennitrate So at this point I just shrugged my shoulders and went on with my business
Last edited by stuball888 on Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by Jojogunne »

Newsday article:

Low COVID-19 positivity rates stir cautious optimism on college campuses ... 1.50364683

At Hofstra University, where vaccines are mandated for students and employees, vaccination rates are high, allowing the Hempstead campus to "operate as close to normal as possible this fall, with some additional health and safety protocols," spokesperson Karla Schuster said. Masking is required indoors, and "in addition, we check the vaccination status of attendees at indoor academic events," she said. The Hofstra COVID-19 dashboard for the week of Sept. 4-10 showed 67 positives for returning students, about half from on-campus testing. Four employees tested positive as well.

This looks like the Covid dashboard that Newsday mentions: ... dates.html
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by Polito »

Absolutely asinine what is happening right now.

You know what I’d like to see? How about a vaccine that actually works like, oh I don’t know, a real vaccine? How and why are we mandating (ie China level forced compliance) a vaccine that doesn’t prevent infection or transmission?

And why do vaccinateds not have to wear masks?? WHY?? They transmit too! If masks are so amazing why doesn’t everyone have to wear? LOL total idiocy going on.

I really don’t get this. I’m glad we have it and love that it diminishes symptoms - all positive. But this isn’t stopping anything and we keep increasing the militant approaches to it. That is wrong. I don’t believe in a half ass vaccine more than I do our country values. If it stopped this cold, different story. But it does nothing of the sort.

Are we making these demands for the literally THOUSANDS of people pouring over the borders?? Or nah?? Guess that’s no big deal. But let’s make sure that we force every NYer to kneel, that’s gonna save us all. All those masks that are cloth, yeah they don’t stop viruses lol. Friggin morons. No common sense anymore. Is an N95 proof card in the works? Let’s do it! Why not! Let’s make everyone bring their medical history too everywhere they go. Why limit ourselves, just force it all. Mandate the sh!t flu ‘vaccine’ too while we’re at it. Screw freedom of any choice, this ain’t America anymore.

This is all getting bananas, I’m sorry. Go ahead and shut this thread down. We know this “non-compliant” view isnt allowed anywhere in NY. Inclusion for all, except of course if you dare differ from the extreme nutcase left. I don’t care anymore, tired of being quiet. I’ll take my ban if that hammer comes down on me. I’ve really enjoyed the board. 8-)
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by HofstraPride1 »

Polito wrote:Absolutely asinine what is happening right now.

You know what I’d like to see? How about a vaccine that actually works like, oh I don’t know, a real vaccine? How and why are we mandating (ie China level forced compliance) a vaccine that doesn’t prevent infection or transmission?

And why do vaccinateds not have to wear masks?? WHY?? They transmit too! If masks are so amazing why doesn’t everyone have to wear? LOL total idiocy going on.

I really don’t get this. I’m glad we have it and love that it diminishes symptoms - all positive. But this isn’t stopping anything and we keep increasing the militant approaches to it. That is wrong. I don’t believe in a half ass vaccine more than I do our country values. If it stopped this cold, different story. But it does nothing of the sort.

Are we making these demands for the literally THOUSANDS of people pouring over the borders?? Or nah?? Guess that’s no big deal. But let’s make sure that we force every NYer to kneel, that’s gonna save us all. All those masks that are cloth, yeah they don’t stop viruses lol. Friggin morons. No common sense anymore. Is an N95 proof card in the works? Let’s do it! Why not! Let’s make everyone bring their medical history too everywhere they go. Why limit ourselves, just force it all. Mandate the sh!t flu ‘vaccine’ too while we’re at it. Screw freedom of any choice, this ain’t America anymore.

This is all getting bananas, I’m sorry. Go ahead and shut this thread down. We know this “non-compliant” view isnt allowed anywhere in NY. Inclusion for all, except of course if you dare differ from the extreme nutcase left. I don’t care anymore, tired of being quiet. I’ll take my ban if that hammer comes down on me. I’ve really enjoyed the board. 8-)
You had to have vaccines for measles and meningitis as a kid. This shouldn't be a big deal, especially when it is proven to save lives. Just look at difference between NY with a high vaccine rate and Alabama where hospitals are maxed to capacity.
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by stuball888 »

I have a question for the board. So I go to indoor events at the Mack and PFC center you need a vaccine card and you must wear the mask . So what happens when you go to the concession stand . So you go back to your seat with a coke and pretzel. So you can take off the mask because you are eating or drinking. Are they going to have people going around checking if people are drinking or eating Maybe they will not open the concessions at all . How loud will the Mack be if people have to cheer with their masks on. Another question will be how will this affect the attendance. Its still early and we have another 2 months for things to change.
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by HofstraPride1 »

stuball888 wrote:I have a question for the board. So I go to indoor events at the Mack and PFC center you need a vaccine card and you must wear the mask . So what happens when you go to the concession stand . So you go back to your seat with a coke and pretzel. So you can take off the mask because you are eating or drinking. Are they going to have people going around checking if people are drinking or eating Maybe they will not open the concessions at all . How loud will the Mack be if people have to cheer with their masks on. Another question will be how will this affect the attendance. Its still early and we have another 2 months for things to change.
Broadway shows have a designated area for eating/drinking so maybe would do something similar? There is no playbook for any of this so no easy answers. Hopefully none of this will be needed but at moment I think it is unfortunately.
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by joeg1 »

Polito, Zman, in hindsight, maybe I should have kept my opinion to myself. It used to be that you didn't discuss religion and politics in polite company. If everyone wants to get along, maybe we (me too) need to be a little less willing to air our opinions on sensitive topics. Social media, etc, has kind of lowered the bar for unnecessary homilies. I apologize

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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by The Shadow »

To Polito and ZMAN3, Just as joeg1 mentions, if my thoughts on masks and vaccines offended you both in any manner, I apologize. I guess I did not consider the full extent how stronly other people's beliefs may be on this sensitve subject. Let's hope there can be a real end to this disease and how it affects all of us.
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by Polito »

Joe, what can I say friend, nothing but much appreciation and respect to you for that. Me too, I'm getting VERY tired of it all, my tolerance level is at its peak. Doesn't make my emotion or view the auto right one :) pls accept mine as well for showing a lot of passion. That goes for all here. I love this place, I'm just at my max - this is all going way too far and I find it quite scary, esp as a parent. Even beyond the vaccine, what some of these politicians are trying to push down to the kindergarten level in education is borderline clinically insane. Stressful times right now to try and raise a family at your pace and with the values you desire. I do feel like I'm fighting for my family here, so yeah, I'm fired up.

HP1, I do understand your perspective. I agree, it shouldn't be this difficult. IMO the government has only itself to blame for that. That's what happens when instead of leveling with your population and telling the truth, you try to lie to get your way. All they had to do was say this vaccine isn't ideal, it won't stop infection or transmission, but it will at least help ease the most grave symptoms and therefore help people and in time our hospital systems, and it's the best / all we have for right now. THAT would've been respectable and trustworthy. What they're doing now is neither.

This vaccine is nowhere close to the level of effectiveness of the MMR we all got as kids. Yet they are literally lying to people on every ad and left media outlet saying that it prevents the spread. It does nothing of the sort. That is a fact. They already tried to shove the boosters down everyone's throats 6 months in, and thankfully (shockingly) the FDA stepped in and said we don't need boosters right now and they are not yet approved for that use. That's some vaccine alright. Hard to believe a push for a way too soon unapproved booster isn't more about money than actual health.

- What's our plan for the thousands coming over the borders? No vaccinations happening there. Why, no risk?? But let's force mandate NYer's, that'll do it.
- Why do vaccinated's not have to wear masks? They spread it just the same. That's how I got it. Makes zero sense. And it's clearly political.

I just cannot ignore every American value and foundational principle to literally force a population (every man woman and CHILD for goodness sake) to take a first-ever drug / medication that has limited effectiveness. This isn't China or N Korea. We gonna start forcing the near useless flu vaccine too? Flu kills lots of people. That vaccine was another savior. Until of course it wasn't / isn't.

Again, I do not mean we should scrap the vaccine. Not at all. I have no issue with it being used how and where it makes sense, and I'm thankful we have something. I'm pro vaccine... ones that actually work the way they're supposed to. Forcing this one is extremism and just flat out wrong.

I promise that I will work very hard to move on from my soap box and let this thread go. Just needed to get this out I suppose. Thanks for understanding.

P.S. My antibodies are better than your vaccine :D Just joshin to lighten the room guys! But it is true lol
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by stuball888 »

Want to get a good laugh Go on youtube and type in George Carlin speaking about germs and his immune system
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by Jojogunne »

I think this thread is OK. Let's just respect each other's opinions.

I've been trying to keep abreast of vaccine news. I don't recall anyone saying the vaccine a cure-all. Rather, it helps prevent serious illness and hospitalization. Vaccinated people are still going to catch Covid, just as people who take the flu vaccine still catch the flu.

I do think some sources are spreading a lot of misinformation and disinformation about the vaccine, which has not helped.

I will take the booster when available because studies are showing that protection wanes over time.

As for Hofstra, I would like to attend basketball games in person and will follow whatever requirements are in place. I look at the volume of air in the arena as a plus. The air always seems to be circulating there, so maybe any Covid molecules will dissipate. And while I enjoy sitting near my friends in my row and section, I may look to sit somewhere less crowded.

Stay safe, everyone.
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by HofstraPride1 »

Jojogunne wrote:I think this thread is OK. Let's just respect each other's opinions.

I've been trying to keep abreast of vaccine news. I don't recall anyone saying the vaccine a cure-all. Rather, it helps prevent serious illness and hospitalization. Vaccinated people are still going to catch Covid, just as people who take the flu vaccine still catch the flu.

I do think some sources are spreading a lot of misinformation and disinformation about the vaccine, which has not helped.

I will take the booster when available because studies are showing that protection wanes over time.

As for Hofstra, I would like to attend basketball games in person and will follow whatever requirements are in place. I look at the volume of air in the arena as a plus. The air always seems to be circulating there, so maybe any Covid molecules will dissipate. And while I enjoy sitting near my friends in my row and section, I may look to sit somewhere less crowded.

Stay safe, everyone.
Well said! I hope to see you at some games soon.
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by stuball888 »

Jojo knowing this group I would want to keep my distance too LOL!
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by cactus »

Polito wrote:Absolutely asinine what is happening right now.

You know what I’d like to see? How about a vaccine that actually works like, oh I don’t know, a real vaccine? How and why are we mandating (ie China level forced compliance) a vaccine that doesn’t prevent infection or transmission?

And why do vaccinateds not have to wear masks?? WHY?? They transmit too! If masks are so amazing why doesn’t everyone have to wear? LOL total idiocy going on.

I really don’t get this. I’m glad we have it and love that it diminishes symptoms - all positive. But this isn’t stopping anything and we keep increasing the militant approaches to it. That is wrong. I don’t believe in a half ass vaccine more than I do our country values. If it stopped this cold, different story. But it does nothing of the sort.

Are we making these demands for the literally THOUSANDS of people pouring over the borders?? Or nah?? Guess that’s no big deal. But let’s make sure that we force every NYer to kneel, that’s gonna save us all. All those masks that are cloth, yeah they don’t stop viruses lol. Friggin morons. No common sense anymore. Is an N95 proof card in the works? Let’s do it! Why not! Let’s make everyone bring their medical history too everywhere they go. Why limit ourselves, just force it all. Mandate the sh!t flu ‘vaccine’ too while we’re at it. Screw freedom of any choice, this ain’t America anymore.

This is all getting bananas, I’m sorry. Go ahead and shut this thread down. We know this “non-compliant” view isnt allowed anywhere in NY. Inclusion for all, except of course if you dare differ from the extreme nutcase left. I don’t care anymore, tired of being quiet. I’ll take my ban if that hammer comes down on me. I’ve really enjoyed the board. 8-)

To respond to your last point about getting banned, all opinions are allowed even if uninformed and conspiratorial. Personal attacks, thread hijacking, and baiting are not allowed.
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by ZMAN3 »

I certainly don't think an apology is necessary - I'm not offended - I have my opinion and respect others - I'm just not going to a game where I have to wear a mask - never told anyone else not to attend.
I've played the last 2 seasons of Senior Softball and nobody in league is wearing a mask - and nobody has contracted the virus. Also 1 season indoors at Coleman (couple of guys got it but unclear where) with no mask mandate.
Not real thrilled about the crackdowns on our freedoms - just the beginning - but some voted for this administration so now we have to live with it.
Enjoy the games - whether you go to the Mack or watch on Flo
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by triplec2195 »

Get it ZMAN respecting your feelings one way or the other. As for me I'm having withdrawal symptoms and can't wait to see some live games. If they tell me to where a Howdy Doody mask I'm still in after not being able to watch games last year live!!
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by cactus »

Also political and religious discussion/comments are generally not permitted on message boards.

No problem discussing how you feel about Hofstra's mask mandate, being the subject of the thread. I get that media driven intensity from all sides has made people dig in their heels and creates angry and strong opinions one way or the other on masks, but we are adults and should be able to handle that discussion maturely being that will affect attendance and the experience at games.

However I haven't seen anything indicating there was any local or national government involvement with the mask mandate implemented by Hofstra so let's not go down that path.
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Re: Mask Mandate

Post by ZMAN3 »

Once again - I'm not making a political, religious or any other statement. This is just personal - don't like wearing a mask period(don't think it helps unless it's the N95) so to wear it for 2 plus hours - off the board. I'm certainly not against anyone else wearing or going to the games and wearing.
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