Game 24, home vs. Charleston

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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by daHUPride »

WOW – tough loss.

I thought this was one the best games we played with this roster.
We came out and probably shot the best I have ever seen a team shot for the first 7 minutes of the game.
We shot great from the line (big exception RG).
Thought we really battled.
EP driving to the hoop – please keep doing that and more frequently – you almost single handedly got 4 players in foul trouble.
KW had a nice game and gave us some good minutes.

RG foul shooting.
JAM - not having RG in the final 17 seconds on D.
As a team not taking the ball to the hoop when 4 of their players had 4 fouls.
Why did JAM put JA III in for 1 minute?
I LOVE our 4 guards – JFW EP DB JR – but man are we undersized.
2 big plays – that hurt us – both on defensive stops by our bigs:
1) RG steal in the first half and made a bad outlet pass to DB for turnover
2) ST blocked a shot in the second half and got the ball taken away while he was going to the hoop.
We suck at interior defense – uncontested layups.

Honestly – personally - I don’t have much to bitch about this game.
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by HUSID74 »

Polito wrote:Lol - every time Hofstra has a chance to do something significant, they blow it – it's the same crap all the time every year with this staff.

Was a great battle as we all knew it would be, but this crap has to stop - I just don't think JM is a 'winner' if you know what I mean - I really don't think he has what it takes to TRULY win in the CAA - I know he won a regular season once, that's not what I mean, I know he can win games in this conference and HAS, but what I'm talking about is true championship capability, and after 5 yrs I just don't see it - he just gives that feeling that it's just going to be constant heart break during his entire tenure… I hate to put that on the guy because it's really just a gut feeling and not necessarily fair LOL but I never ever ever have any confidence that this program is going to actually do anything.

It's just always that close but no cigar deal with him in the staff, you know what I mean? I mean every year it's just always the same letdown and disappointment.

Hofstra had no business losing this game, none. I don't want to hear any BS about Charlston being the number one pick and all that crap, Hofstra had the game WON and they just blew it. As usual.

Alas, they had a chance to make a statement, but sadly my season prediction remains…

... and you can bet that'll be the last we see of the students. I think every single year that Joe has coached this program the biggest student turn out game of the year they blow it. I honestly think that's a fact statistic lol

This was a must win in my opinion for this program to do anything this season. Just BRUTAL.

And of course I know C of C is good, got to give them credit for frustrating Foreman for most of the game, they are obviously a good team - but this loss is entirely on Hofstra they just flat out blew it. And if you make boneheaded moves or boneheaded plays you're going to lose. I just wonder when someone's actually going to be held accountable for it…
Wow Debbie downer...did you apply for the AD job so you can pick the coach and then we can all criticize you...I don't know what you were watching but that happened to be a great college basketball game...Yeh we lost by that's the coach's fault right?.. How about Rok missing FIVE free throws? And as for our students, at this point I don't care...they don't show up unless you give them something...if they couldn't appreciate what a good game this was then they shouldn't come...and perhaps you could hang out with them playing video games in the dorms. Lol
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Polito »

LOL that's just because you are immune to the bed shitting at this point!! :D :D

HUSID, right on, my uncle could not say it enough, all Rok had to do was hit half for goodness sake give us two or three free throws and this is a W. Bad game all around from him actually.

HU really needs to have JWF Pemba and Rok all firing at the same time in order to do anything significant, especially against the top tier teams.

But of course that's more woulda coulda shoulda… bottom line is they blew it and just simply didn't get the job done. In front of a good crowd with a good student section of coarse. Just seems like it always has to be that way doesn't it...

And I think now it's pretty clear we all know Hofstra just can't have nice things. And we all know whether everyone wants to admit it or not this team will go down in some heartbreaking fashion, in complete flames, during the CAAT. It's just the JM way. And with the talent and depth this team has this season, it should be absolutely epic! :P
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by triplec2195 »

HUSID74 wrote:
cactus wrote:We talked about this during the game and I'll mention here... What was Joe doing with Gustys at the end of the game? He's in when wright foreman hits the 3, they pull him for the defensive possession and they go right to Brantley on Trueheart and he scores with ease, then Gustys back in on offense again and they throw him the ball on the inbounds for a turnover... totally confused to the thought process there

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And you're probably one of the guys here who says Rokus can't play defense. Obviously the coaches thought Trueheart was a better lose by one you can pick any number of about Rok missing FIVE free throws! I would start the second guessing there.
A gut wrenching heartbreaker of a loss. I have to say for me I think we played quite well and when u lose a 1 point game u start to put things under a microscope. I mean COC did get some annoying easy buckets from Riller but I thought Chealey made some big time shots. They scored over there average but so did we and they gave up 17 points more then their average. I liked EP GAME and ST blocks, 3's, hit 2 big foul shots. JR hit big time 3's and played D even Wormley a nice game. The things that stand out IMO as causes of this loss 1) ROK missing all 5 of his FT's ( really he wasn't even close??) 2) Us for whatever reason getting caught with JWF guarding Brantley( IDK how many pts. he scored when he had Justin down low on him(Justin 6'1" /Brantley 6'7" this made no sense) and like some of u had pointed out we gave them time with 16 seconds on the clock to come down and get that easy layup by Brantley. I don't want to second guess JWF but he clearly could have run the clock down to almost zero and taken that shot. It was a huge shot and he deserves a lot of credit. This is 20/20 hindsight but I wonder if they should of put ROK or HS in the game to play Brantley. Maybe if he was in then someone else would have taken that last shot. A lot of if ands and buts but I feel we just lost a game that we clearly left most of what we had on the floor. It could have gone our way and on this day it just didn't.
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Dooku25 »

JWF buries a clutch 3 with 16 seconds left to put us up 85-84. What a great college basketball game it was up to that point. 2 really good teams going toe to toe in front of good crowd..

And then Joe botches the last 2 sequences. And in typical Hofstra fashion, our hearts get ripped out AGAIN.

What's the logic putting Trueheart on Brantley. 250 lbs vs 200 lbs? Am I missing something? I was thinking it would be Chealey or Riller shooting the final shot, but they literally must have been salivating seeing Brantley posting Trueheart up. Easiest basket of the night!

And what's the logic having Gustys in the game with 3 seconds left? Don't we need 5 shooters on the court who can handle the ball? Of course the inbounds pass finds Rok who can't handle it. GAME OVER.

There's no defending the coach tonight.
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Wags »

Tough one tonight. They were right there. Big loss, to be two out of first place instead of in a four-way tie for first place with six games to play.

Three things:

Rok's proven he can be efficient and go something like 7/9, like the last game against UNCW, when given more shots. He has to get more than just the four FGA he had in 36 minutes.

For all the good things Rok does, he never did really improve his FT shooting to a respectable level, and 0/5 at the line is not only inexcusable in any game, but it's an absolute killer in a one-point loss in the final seconds. If he goes 3/5, even 2/5, the ending is probably different. Just can't have that, but it's not going to change. That's simply what he's been his whole four-year career at the line. I just don't get how with all of the suits they have on the bench, not one of them is able to get Rok to improve his FT shooting? Tonight, that yielded a huge negative consequence. Rok's FT shooting cost them a huge game.

Not going to beat too many teams in the CAA allowing 58% shooting, least of all the conference favorite. And in a huge, must-have game on your home floor, you have to show greater urgency than that at the defensive end of the floor. That percentage was unacceptable in a game this big, at home. And yet they still very nearly overcame it if not for those Rok FTs. But like I've been saying all year, this team can score. Worry about the defensive FG%. That will be the difference between doing anything in Charelston in March or more narrow heartbreak like tonight.
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Cards »

You guys crack me up - you think we lost because Rok missed his FTs. you say if he hits 2 out of the 5 the game is different. You gotta be kidding me. How about if JWF hit one more shot, how about if KW finger roll goes in, how about is one more of EPs shots goes in :lol: :lol: :lol: We score 85 points and you blame a poor FT shooting guy for missing FTs at non critical times. Please...lets get real here.
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Wags »

Cards wrote:You guys crack me up - you think we lost because Rok missed his FTs. you say if he hits 2 out of the 5 the game is different. You gotta be kidding me. How about if JWF hit one more shot, how about if KW finger roll goes in, how about is one more of EPs shots goes in :lol: :lol: :lol: We score 85 points and you blame a poor FT shooting guy for missing FTs at non critical times. Please...lets get real here.
What's a "non-critical" time? In a one-point loss, 0-for-5 at the line is critical whether it's early on, in the middle of the game, whenever... because if you make them, the whole ending of an 86-85 game might play out very differently. So I'm not sure how you can excuse that so easily.

I don't think asking a guy to still miss more than he makes out of five FTA is asking too much. You can pull the average fan out of the stands and have them hit one or two. He simply can't miss ALL FIVE he takes in a one-point loss. Not the only reason for the loss (I also said he should have had more touches and the D can't give up 58% shooting the way it did), but missing ALL FIVE absolutely was a major factor in a loss that was as close as it was.
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Flying Dutchmen »

Wright-Foreman can’t be more of a winner and hits a critical shot to take the lead, and we don’t have our Senior PF to guard the best forward with in the conference with 4 seconds left? With the game on the line? Who gives a fuck about a missed FT at that juncture. Win the last 20 seconds in a 1-0 game.

We botched it late because we’re not a smart team. We’re a dumb team and that comes from the staff. It’s been a problem for 17 straight years. Losses like this are why we don’t get over the top. It can’t be more real than tonight.

Listen, we’re good, but we’re not dominant and seeding matters in the CAAT. Tonight’s stupid ass loss hurts and it’s on the coaches. Nothing to overblow, but the staff has to stop overthinking it, and we need to take care of business next weekend in North Carolina.
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Dooku25 »

Exactly FD.. That's why my comments on the game started with JWF's clutch 3.. There is no need for anyone to bring up anything that happened in the prior 39 minutes. Bottom line, we are up 1 with 16 seconds left. Which oh by the way, we again left too much time on the clock.. But besides that, the story of the game is what transpired from that point on.

We can talk about Rok's free throw shooting forever. The guy shoots under 40% from the line for his career... Are free throws important? Hell yes. But how many games have we won with Rok shooting 0-5 or 1-6 or 2-8?? It's easy to look at the stats and say well if Rok makes 1 or 2 FT's we win. That's not the story of this game. The story is how we close games out and it's on the coaching staff!

You wanna talk about being a dumb team? I'm going to talk about our best player. And I'm not going to blame him for this because if we had great coaching, it wouldn't happen. But how many times this season have we had the final possession in a close game where we can take the last shot and JWF leaves too much time on the clock????? He has done this SEVERAL times this season! Again, I'm not knocking our star player. He's been clutch, he's been phenomenal. I'm simply illustrating the fact that the coaching staff hasn't beaten into their heads to take the LAST shot. So once again last night, the shot clock is turned off, and we are taking our shot with 18 seconds left... DUMB.. And again, he hits the shot because he's an incredible talent. And we are winning games because he is an incredible talent. But that's the point. To win a CHAMPIONSHIP we need talent and we need GOOD COACHING. We are lacking in 1 of 2 areas!

Want another example? I think Cards mentioned that he can't believe the staff hasn't corrected Rok's FT shooting. I agree! You know what his major flaw at the line is? HE DOESN'T LOOK AT THE BASKET. He is definitely mental at the line. He's afraid to look at the basket. He dribbles the ball a few times looking down, then glances at the basket as he shoots. How do you make shots without looking at the rim?? Hey coaching staff, try telling him that. LOOK AT THE BASKET BEFORE SHOOTING THE FREE THROW.

This loss really bothered me. Charleston is the best team this league has to offer and honestly we should have beaten them TWICE. Who's in 2nd? William and Mary.. What happened when we played them down there? We had the game won and blew it in epic fashion again!

This team can beat anyone in this league. This is not the league of the VCU/ODU/George Mason anymore. It's still a damn good league, but it's much more winnable for us, and we have the team right now to do it!

I'm done venting. It's 17 years of not getting over the hump maybe. We've had some damn good teams over the years but haven't accomplished the end goal. It all come's down to March but as Polito said, can we expect anything besides heartbreak?
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by triplec2195 »

I'll just reiterate what JM said post presser because obviously all the talk was on the last possession by COC. He stated that if they put a guy Brantley's size on him he's too big to be handled if they put a bigger guy on him like ROK then he would take Rok outside because he's too quick for ROK. That was the explanation but ST if anyone recalls blocked Brantley's first shot in the beginning of the game. I would love to see the stats on who Brantley was scoring off of defensively because they worked plenty of mis-matches where our guards got caught up guarding Brantley E.G. JWF on quite a few occasions. Whether ROK's missed free throws were the reason we lost certainly a contributing factor along with other things. He was shooting over 40% from the line going into the game. I'll take the 2-3 points that we should of had but this would have caused them to adjust the way they managed the shot clock on their offensive possessions. All in all a tough loss but I was overall happy with the we played but obviously disappointed with the outcome like everyone else!!
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Dooku25 »

Just watched the presser Triple.. He can explain it any way he wants. His move putting Trueheart in didn't work.

He also mentioned in the presser that he wished they had 6 more seconds. You mean the other team didn't leave us enough time to win the game at the end?

We should try that. Especially since we can't defend anyone, why leave 16 seconds on the clock? Take it down to 5... thanks. Basketball 101.
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by cactus »

If the worry is that Brantley is going to take Gustys outside, wouldn't you prefer that than him easily backing Trueheart down for a 3 footer? I mean of all the things you could give up in that spot, I'll run with having their 3rd best player shooting a mid range jumper.

I'm not going to get too crazy about Wright Foreman shooting early, he should have started a little later in the shot clock but he got an open look and took it. And made it.

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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Dooku25 »

cactus wrote: I'm not going to get too crazy about Wright Foreman shooting early,
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If it was one time, I agree. But it's been a pattern all season and an example of poor coaching down the stretch of close games..
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by HUSID74 »

You can't criticize Foremen for the shot when he took it. At that juncture in the game you take the open look...why wait for the defense to adjust...come on guys... that's taking second guessing to new heights!
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Wags »

Flying Dutchmen wrote:Wright-Foreman can’t be more of a winner and hits a critical shot to take the lead, and we don’t have our Senior PF to guard the best forward with in the conference with 4 seconds left? With the game on the line? Who gives a fuck about a missed FT at that juncture. Win the last 20 seconds in a 1-0 game.
Don't go 0-for-5 at the line, and it doesn't even come down to that. The game might already be won. That's why the FTs matter so much.
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by triplec2195 »

HUSID74 wrote:You can't criticize Foremen for the shot when he took it. At that juncture in the game you take the open look...why wait for the defense to adjust...come on guys... that's taking second guessing to new heights!
A lot of second guessing and playing the blame game. It really is ridiculous to in any way try to put the blame on JWF because there's not set play here it's just JWF time and most of the time that's all we need. We need to suck it up this was a very good basketball game and why should we be looking to split hairs here. We need to vent I get it and we r all feeling the pain of this loss. We need to move forward and focus on Elon a team that we really have trouble matching up with and who clearly outplayed us on our home court!
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Hofstra »

Wags wrote:
Flying Dutchmen wrote:Wright-Foreman can’t be more of a winner and hits a critical shot to take the lead, and we don’t have our Senior PF to guard the best forward with in the conference with 4 seconds left? With the game on the line? Who gives a fuck about a missed FT at that juncture. Win the last 20 seconds in a 1-0 game.
Don't go 0-for-5 at the line, and it doesn't even come down to that. The game might already be won. That's why the FTs matter so much.
You can't put this loss on Rok. The kid sucks from the line, that is a given, we can't expect that to change in a crucial game. He stinks from the line regardless of the moment in the game, can't pin this game on him. There are tons of games we won where he went 0fer from the line.

Every game like this, I expect to lose. Just like being a Pats fan, when they are down big, I expect them to always pull it out. I hate the Patriots, but we know it always happens. They have a winning mentality around their organization, we have a losing mentality, which both are deserved. Hofstra has been nothing but losses in big games.
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Cards »

Trying to pin this on one player is ridiculous. A few of you try pinning this on Rok - well Pemba was 4 for 11. That's poor shooting, so lets pin it on him. In fact lets pin it on the entire offense - they shot 53% from the floor and 62% on three's in the first half. Second half they shot 38% and 38%, respectively. Pin it on the every player via a second half shooting collapse :lol:

Its the same old story. A team with talent that cant get over the hump. A team with talent and athleticism that can't play defense. Why??

This is not the MAAC conference. --5 years--
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Re: Game 24, home vs. Chareston

Post by Cards »

Not going to pin this on JWF either. He's in there to generally take the first good look he gets and is confident its "his shot". That being said, he needs to be a little more cognizant of the situation (because this is not the first time he has done this).

ST on Brantely was a major coaching mistake. A RS freshman on a first team CAA PF - shooting from 3 ft!! Anyone who wants that matchup over Rok on Brantley from 15 ft is kidding themselves. Bonehead play.

And you guys ripping on Roks FT shooting, well what if he was fouled with a few seconds left and us down by one. That would have been a great coaching decision having Rok at the line with the game on the line. Total Bonehead coaching.
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