Game 13 - at William & Mary

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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by krood »

Happy New Year to the Flying Dutchmen....... been off line, but had to weigh in on the posts.

1) Jeff Hathaway is a disappointing loss. He is a PRO
2) MBB needs JAM to stay and we need to support him. He is a seasoned vet who has won 20 games at HU twice (we only have 12 20 gm. win seasons since 1970).
3) Our 18 squad has had its ups/downs, but can still contend in the CAA. JWF is having another GREAT season and is putting up Rich Laurel scoring stats.
4) The rest of this team is a work in progress:
a) JAM and staff have maximized the skill-level at Center
b) EP has been inconsistent and needs to gain more confidence
c) Now for our PG's..... they are the key to the season. Both are trying to do too much and are forcing their games. They are both athletic and should be much better on defense. On offense, we need them to just run the offense, find JWF and EP and look for JR when he's on the court. KW shooting 31% FG and 68% FT - yet still looking to score?
d) Freshman JR needs to stay patient and get find open shots playing off of JWF- the PG's needs to look for him.

As for the future, would love to see us depart the CAA - it's a south-regional conference with no NY media exposure. While the A-10 may be over-reaching, any of the North east conference provide interesting potential rivalries (SBU, Iona, Fordham, Monmouth, Fairfield, Manhattan).

Our new trustee, Randy Levine (NY Yankees) knows how the value of a successful athletic program and has had success at GW helping guiding their success in the A-10 and NIT title. Don't see Randy wasting his talent south of the Mason-Dixon line................
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by Polito »

In the context of a single game, hey tough battle with a good program that HU has a bit of a rivalry with - loss by 3 on the road? Typically not a big deal.

But the problem is it isn't just one game. It's almost 5 years of the same shit. Even in Green's years this program wasn't able to fulfill expectations and get over the hump. This program continues to find incomprehensible ways of snatching defeat from victory.

Quite frankly, I am now finding rooting for this program a lot like rooting for the Mets (and I am unfortunately a Mets fan). Too much hope and hype, never enough substance, and lacking the real leadership to actually get the job done.

This is now just another wildly inconsistent, 1 man team, with zero track record of ever winning a weekend tournament (in season or CAA), that doesn't play adequate D1 defense.

How many of those teams win the CAAT and go dancing?

Sure, the season still needs to play out. If anyone wants to get all hopped up on mathematical odds, knock yourself out. But if everyone is being honest, we're halfway through the year, and we've all seen this movie before. The odds are through the roof that this is setting up to be another depressing ending. I have my prediction already in place, but won't go into it in this thread.
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by Hofstra »

I AGREE with POLITO 100%.

Its a box set at this point. We've seen the same garbage year after year..

I am excited in the general sense for tomorrows game, but deep down, I know we have no shot to win this thing in March. Why can't we play defense? We might have one of the best rebounders statically speaking in NCAA history, but we can't play a lick of defense, something doesn't add up with it.
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by joeg1 »

I wonder what the odds are the new AD replaces Mihalich
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by ZMAN3 »

Said it when they hired him - his teams didn't play any D at Niagara - 5 years later they still don't - Just can't win without it! 5 Years later they still can't play a 2-3. And although JWF went to the hole and scored the Wright play was to hold it for the last shot - not give Mary 11 seconds to score - that's horrendous coaching.
Let's also not make this about 3 days in March (it's not like they will do anything if they reach the NCAA)- We spend a whole season rooting for a team - obviously these losses are painful and frustrating so let's not just right them off like no "biggie" - or else why bother watching ?
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by daHUPride »

joeg1 wrote:I wonder what the odds are the new AD replaces Mihalich
JAM has done more then I could have hoped for by restoring law and order to the team and program. For that I am grateful.
However - now these are all his teams - his players - his coaches - his recruits/recruiters - his choice who to play - his choice who to bury on the bench - his plays and strategies - his offense and his defense. He owns our record - as Bill Parcells said “You are what your record says you are.” and as Hofstra Basketball fan - I am not thrilled with the teams JAM has ownership of now.
I love watching the VCU Rams Basketball team - their teams are tough, hungry and aggressive - they give lesser opponents beatings and bigger schools more then they could ask for. They have had similar coaching turnover since 2002 as we have had - Capel/Grant/Smart/Wade/Rhoades - they must have a +/- .725 winning percentage in that amount of time with 4 conference championships/10 NCAA tourney appearances. We use to be like/compared to VCU and we seem to have taken the other path - a path of complacency. If we are not trying to be a program with the successes of a VCU - (as ZMAN said) "why bother watching."
Last edited by daHUPride on Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by garyg »

JAM is a nice man and an adequate recruiter but he has not proven himself as a game coach, talent developer, or motivator in his 5 seasons at Hofstra..
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by EvanJ »

daHUPride wrote: I love watching the VCU Rams Basketball team - their teams are tough, hungry and aggressive - they give lesser opponents beatings and bigger schools more then they could ask for. They have had similar coaching turnover since 2002 as we have had - Capel/Grant/Smart/Wade/Rhoades - they must have a +/- .725 winning percentage in that amount of time with 4 conference championships/10 NCAA tourney appearances. We use to be like/compared to VCU and we seem to have taken the other path - a path of complacency. If we are not trying to be a program with the successes of a VCU - (as ZMAN said) "why bother watching."
That's a great guess. In the 15 complete and one partial season from 2002-2003 to now, VCU has a winning percentage of exactly .720.
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by Mike34 »

Agreed with all of the above about JM - he has not proven himself whatsoever, and in my opinion he creates a worsening image of himself game after game. Truly frustrating.
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by Polito »

I hope and pray whoever the new AD is, they have the courage and the real authority to put this staff on notice with a VERY short leash. Produce a champion and get this program to the dance in X amount of time, or HU will go in a different direction. I want to see a demand and commitment to actual WINNING.

I don't want to call for jobs, I've lost my share and it sucks, but it's enough with the excuses already - I want to see some accountability for progress and success. I see very little.

And while he or she is at it, I hope to hell similar expectations are placed on the hapless Lax program.

HU needs someone with boldness and VISION to kick some ass in the department and clean house if necessary.
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by garyg »

Amen Polito
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by HUSID74 »

Be careful what you wish for...
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by Polito »

I know what you mean HUSID, and you're right, who knows who comes in next. I'm not trying to knock Hathaway at all, I like him and believe he has done some good things and has a heart for HU.

But at the same time I'm not worried about wishing for better, that's what we should ALL be doing and we should be very vocal about it at this point unless we want to continue watching mens hoops go down the black hole that mens lax has already fallen in. Denying or ignoring what's really happening, or making excuses on excuses is not the answer.

What we're seeing is completely unacceptable IMO, and I'm talking about both the results of the program and the ineffectiveness of the admin to properly support what is supposed to be the flagship program of this athletic dept.

Jay called for us fans to be patient and to bolster financial support. Cool, I'll do that when I see this school treat it with the same priority. Not being able to fix a damn scoreboard for years at the D1 CAA level is ABSURD. It's way past time we as fans demand competence and commitment from the ADMIN to warrant our support.

And 5 yrs is patient enough to see results on the floor - we've been through that enough, so I'll stop there.

At some point if you continue to let someone screw you over, it is you who has to take accountability and action to stop it from happening. I've hit my max point of acceptance, and I refuse to be bamboozled anymore.

In my eyes, it's high time for this program and admin 'put up, or shut up'. Not 5 years from now. N O W.

K, rant over 8-)
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Re: Game 13 - at William & Mary

Post by cactus »

krood wrote:Happy New Year to the Flying Dutchmen....... been off line, but had to weigh in on the posts.

1) Jeff Hathaway is a disappointing loss. He is a PRO
2) MBB needs JAM to stay and we need to support him. He is a seasoned vet who has won 20 games at HU twice (we only have 12 20 gm. win seasons since 1970).
3) Our 18 squad has had its ups/downs, but can still contend in the CAA. JWF is having another GREAT season and is putting up Rich Laurel scoring stats.
4) The rest of this team is a work in progress:
a) JAM and staff have maximized the skill-level at Center
b) EP has been inconsistent and needs to gain more confidence
c) Now for our PG's..... they are the key to the season. Both are trying to do too much and are forcing their games. They are both athletic and should be much better on defense. On offense, we need them to just run the offense, find JWF and EP and look for JR when he's on the court. KW shooting 31% FG and 68% FT - yet still looking to score?
d) Freshman JR needs to stay patient and get find open shots playing off of JWF- the PG's needs to look for him.

As for the future, would love to see us depart the CAA - it's a south-regional conference with no NY media exposure. While the A-10 may be over-reaching, any of the North east conference provide interesting potential rivalries (SBU, Iona, Fordham, Monmouth, Fairfield, Manhattan).

Our new trustee, Randy Levine (NY Yankees) knows how the value of a successful athletic program and has had success at GW helping guiding their success in the A-10 and NIT title. Don't see Randy wasting his talent south of the Mason-Dixon line................
Hi, the site is a bit wonky in that if you make multiple posts before we approve your membership (to avoid spam), only the first one will show up on the approve list and you have to manually go back in to refresh and approve the other posts. So, sorry about this post being hidden for a while.

Agree 100% on the PG situation, been saying that since before the season. Don't think they will be able to recruit the same level of talent though if they drop down in conference.
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