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Flying Dutchmen
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by Flying Dutchmen »

Mike34 wrote:Everyone throws HS under the bus, and gives him zero props for his defense. Everyone is so quick to judge him because there is an obsession with Rok. Don't get me wrong, Rok is a good rebounder for these team, but there are a lot of skills that Sabety brings that Rok absolutely does not. He's an awesome player - what you don't realize @Hofstra, is that there are zero plays involving Savety in every game, and it is extremely unfortunate that Sabety is being totally under-utilized. To call him conplete garbage, makes me think you are not a true fan, and not watching the same game as everyone else. You are clearly anti-Team, as you provde zero constructive criticism and only rude comments about a lot of the players.

Every game before this week, as soon as Sabety gets hot the coach pulls him from the game so that we can count rebounds. Think logically before you criticize.
Sabety is overutilized, he got nine minutes too many against Rider. You're not a fan of the team, you're a shill for one player.

He can dunk off the pick and roll, but he has no post moves to speak of, and he has 1/10 the offensive awareness of Rok. Defensively, he can get some blocks against the sisters of the poor, but if the forwards have a modicum of athletic ability, like last night, game over. The only reason anyone thinks he should get minutes at all is because Rok can do nothing defensively without fouling, so we get frustrated and say throw Sabety in... then we realize why Rok is the starter.

That's just the truth, Trueheart should get all of his minutes. I totally respect him for being a team guy, and coming up from D-III, but he shouldn't be a D-1 rotation player if Hofstra expects to win basketball games. The dude is overachieving, that should be good enough.
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by triplec2195 »

OK let's not get contentious about HS. Last year he started 4 games when ROK was hurt and certainly played well. I'm in his corner because I like his energy and he picks up the team more often then not with dunks and block shots. This is his resume from last year;

2016-17: Named to Colonial Athletic Association Men’s Basketball All-Academic Team…Played in all 32 games, starting four…Averaged 4.1 points and 4.5 rebounds per game…Led team with 40 blocked shots…Ranked second on team in rebounding…Shot 69-percent from the field (49-71)…Scored a season-high 14 points, grabbed a season-best 15 rebounds and added three steals versus Delaware (Feb. 2)…Tallied 11 points on 5-6 shooting versus Elon on Jan. 28…Blocked five shots versus Medaille (Nov. 25), Siena (Dec. 22) and Towson (Feb. 9)…Averaged 5.1 points and 4.5 rebounds per game in CAA play…Averaged 12.4 minutes per game…CAA Commissioner’s Academic Award recipient…2015-16: Sat out the 2015-16 season due to NCAA transfer rules.
I don't know how anyone can say he doesn't have upside that is clearly wrong and very subjective. He does things ROK can't and that's getting off the floor to pressure shots in the paint and he gets blocks. He takes the ball hard to the hoop and gets dunks which not only picks up the team but gets the fans into the game. I've been disappointed in him this year because against big post players he seems to be over matched and gets pushed around which ROK in those situations can hold his own but let's agree to disagree here and at least stipulate that he has skills and has upside. I'd like to know who comes into the game when ROK is in foul trouble if he isn't here??
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by triplec2195 »

Flying Dutchmen" That's just the truth, Trueheart should get all of his minutes. I totally respect him for being a team guy, and coming up from D-III, but he shouldn't be a D-1 rotation player if Hofstra expects to win basketball games. The dude is overachieving, that should be good enough.

I want to be reasonable here but Trueheart at 6'8" and 200lbs. is going to replace HS minutes? HS 6'9" and 260 lbs. I'm a big fan of ST and have stated here he should be getting minutes but he's a 4 not under any circumstances a 5. I watched him get boxed out against Monmouth on their missed free throw fell down(got pushed?) and they scored on a put back giving them a 5 point lead instead of 3 at the end of the game. This was a huge play at the time but I won't dwell on it but his game is not defending centers in the paint, c'mon lets be real.
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by Flying Dutchmen »

We struggle defending athletic forwards, I wouldn't mind seeing Angus/Trueheart out there for stretches, I think they give us the best defensive frontcourt options in the man to man.

There aren't that many true centers in basketball anymore, the Rok/Sabety center combo in the frontcourt has killed us defensively for years because they don't matchup well against athletic 4's on the perimeter. It forces us to play a zone, and our players don't have great length, and do not move well in it, so the center position ends up picking up tons of fouls in the paint. The zone kind of worked when we had DK/Tank/Nichols, who were able to protect Rok more, but it did not work last year, and it's not working this year.

Sorry to knock HS, I honestly think the guy is a crazy overachiever to move from Tufts to the CAA, but the way people talk you would think he's getting some type of raw deal at Hofstra, which is just patently false.
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by HUclassof19 »

hi all - new to the board. current hofstra student who is a huge fan of the team. enjoying the season so far.
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by Cards »

okay...okay....okay, enough said about our "5s". Bottom line is that RG should start and HS should back him up. That's it!

Back to the Rider game:

I took alot of heat a few weeks ago about my views on the program and WINNING. Well, I am very pleased they picked up two WINS on the road. I was a little nervous going into both of these games as I thought they were both games we should win, but could lose. Thankfully, the guys gutted it out. I am less worried about Stony Brook and Manhattan, but heck anything can happen. That being said, i am expecting two more WINS before we try to climb the "mountain" (Nova).

Sloppy game last night. Lots of turnovers, sloppy passing, and defense is a continuing issue. We are playing the weave on offense and I assume the reason is to minimize our lack of PG play. Theoretically, I am OK with that, as many of us several months ago had commented that this season could be a PG guard by committee season with no real defined PG. But the assumption in that style of play is that the other players can pass and move the ball efficiently. That was not the case last night. If we can hone this approach and reduce the sloppiness over the next two games, then OK. But this system has to work using the guys we have. It is certainly an option, and could be successful, but our guys have to execute it cleanly.

I did not see the issue of our bigs not shooting last night as a major issue. As was said in the post game presser, we took that shots that the defense gave us. In that regard, this game was a guard play dominated offense - and that's fine. At least it shows that either we had that as a game plan or that we adjusted to their defensive strategy once we got on the floor. I don't think we should take last nights play as an indication that JM has plans on no offense for the bigs.

We are 6-3 now. Realistically, we will finish the OOC schedule at 8-4. Should have been 9-3 (Siena :cry: ) and could have been 10-2 (Auburn :? ).

18 CAA games ahead - with a worst case record of 12-6, we get a 20 win season. Not terrible, but ceratinly not a barn burner either. Not with the talent we have. When its all said and done, I think the offense (running the weave) will be OK. Its the defense that I continue to be owrried about. Absolutely has to be better. We simply cannot give up 80 per game.
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by triplec2195 »

If Hofstra wins 20 games this year I would be very happy. This is generally the Benchmark for a successful season. Not to be redundant but playing with questionable PG play and the possibility of teams full court pressing Hofstra to death I don't know what to expect. Will it be JM game plan going forward to start KW and pull him on a short leash if he's not looking good or will he just do the inevitable and start JR?? I think the latter is a distinct possibility because once CAA play starts he's going to be playing every game like it's our last! It looks like we may not be seeing much of MR as ST shows his size, shooting and general athleticism behooves this team. What becomes the fate of DB who's a big enigma so far this season. Lot's of questions moving forward that will soon be answered. I happened to note a close game played by LaSalle against Villanova. I know Villanova is a great team and probably will move up in the rankings after Duke just loss. After looking over their starters etc it appears that they're not a really big team. I know they have really talented athletes so its all about a team that plays defense and has a bunch of guys that can shoot and jump out of the building.
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by HUSID74 »

I am not so concerned about PG play as we have plenty of guys who can bring the ball up, get the offense going and make good passes. Rider was an anomaly with all of the turnovers...many due to non-foul calls by the least two or three times Pemberton was mugged and there was no call...and once they call a flagrant on him!
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by Polito »

Well, like I said, take any and every win and run! HU is not going to play or win pretty, I no longer care about style. Just want wins.

Fixed this for you triplec:
"If Hofstra wins 20 games this year I would be very happy. This is generally the Benchmark for a successful season. ...AT HOFSTRA."

At other winning programs it's actually a meaningful postseason. I would absolutely not be 'happy' with just 20 wins. This is not a rebuilding year, it is not the first year, it is a year they are EXPECTED to win. No getting off the hook this year. It's win and postseason or bust.

The Sabety focus is odd to me. I'd say on average he does the job he's supposed to do - not a superstar, but far from the main 'problem' on this team. I don't think he's necessarily 'heated up', BUT he has absolutely provided a major spark at times - I have personally watched him come in and change the dynamic/energy of games with blocks and thunderous dunks.

And that is his skill set - limited yes, but very effective. In no way do I think he should be starting, but he has brought nice value since arriving - glad he's here.

Bigger issue is obviously PG play. Going to guess that Buie is experiencing recovery stuff - no way else to explain his awful play.

FD, serious question on KW, what do you think you are going to see that you haven't yet? This is his 3rd year playing college ball. What makes you think something is going to change based on his career history, which is very subpar for a point at this level?

So far, my prediction has been scary on point. An impact PG during the previous recruiting cycle was THE #1 PRIORITY, I am extremely disappointed and quite annoyed at the complete miss on that.

On the other side, their get in Ray has been fantastic - called that one as well, but obviously was just my fan take, so I am thrilled to see this young man coming into his own and showing out. I am all for increased / starting minutes in prep for CAA play, he's absolutely earned it.

ST is another one that, assuming he's on point in practice, has earned PT. Showing his value, really like what he brings. I believe in rewarding practice and results, so as long as they have been on point behind the scenes, they have earned their chance to shine in much bigger roles.

MR has future potential, but as many have said needs a full yr to sit, observe, study, and practice. Prob should've taken a RS, but hindsight.

I did not see this game, but it seems like the staff made some adjustments or implemented a strategy? Just basing off feedback and the guards aggressively taking what was there, with the bigs not playing wild or forcing things.

Also, def big props to this team for finally shooting FT's well enough that it is a major factor in them winning games! Honestly didn't believe I was going to see that - it's a major difference, and it's making an impact.

Again, just keep winning - that's it, just win. #ROLLPRIDE
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by triplec2195 »

Fixed this for you triplec:
"If Hofstra wins 20 games this year I would be very happy. This is generally the Benchmark for a successful season. ...AT HOFSTRA."

Good point Polito but actually wasn't making a reference to postseason play just reflecting on a 20 win regular season which I'm being cautiously optimistic about. We all know that we would take less wins IF we can get to the NCAA's which has eluded us for so many years now. A lot of references have been made to our recruiting and the lack of PG players here. I don't know if it comes as a shock to anyone that quite a few of our players seem to be here by default. We all read as much as we can about HU and who we r recruiting but based on what I've read RG was almost signed by Rhode Island, Pemberton had accepted a scholarship to William and Mary before coming here and also ST believed he was going to James Madison. I'd like to hope that HU is somebodies first choice not their back up plan. I've been around this program since the mid 1970's so I'm no youngster but have seen some of the great tradition here. I don't know how back in the day HU could recruit a player like Rich Laurel with his credentials coming out of H.S. at Overbrook in Philly where Wilt Chamberlain went to H.S. He scored over 30 points a game his senior year and was a first round draft pick in the NBA. It is obviously much more competitive now where everything is done in a high tech. world also we r not going to just take anyone in this program where now integrity of our kids is of paramount importance. HUSID SAID; I am not so concerned about PG play as we have plenty of guys who can bring the ball up, get the offense going and make good passes. Rider was an anomaly with all of the turnovers...many due to non-foul calls by the least two or three times Pemberton was mugged and there was no call...and once they call a flagrant on him! I'll say this again sure against teams that are not going to use a full court press we r not going to have major issues going with no PG but teams that r going to implement a full court press is of concern to me. We will be seeing this I'm sure when we play Villanova who r the #1 ranked team now in the country. Does anybody read anything other then Verbal commits to gain info on the status of our recruiting? Some of u guys seem to have inside info as to what's going on with this program. I know that I find out on verbal commits about signings way before I read them on gohofstra which is a plus on the one hand but kind of embarrassing on the other. Thoughts??
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by EvanJ »

Polito wrote: I would absolutely not be 'happy' with just 20 wins. This is not a rebuilding year, it is not the first year, it is a year they are EXPECTED to win. No getting off the hook this year. It's win and postseason or bust.
We were picked fourth in the CAA. Last season the fourth most Division I wins in the CAA was 16. The two seasons before that it was 18 and the season before that it was 16. The CAA hasn't had four teams with 20 Division I wins since the last season it had 12 teams. Winning exactly 20 games would disappoint you, but it wouldn't make it a "rebuilding year." The Sagarin has us and Stony Brook winning depending on what component. Giving us wins over Stony Brook and Manhattan would make 7 Division I out of conference wins. Then the Sagarin has us more likely to win in 14 CAA games, but all 6 away wins have expected margins of 5 or fewer points, so if you added probabilities for each game it would add up to fewer than 14. 20 wins wouldn't be great, but it wouldn't be our most disappointing season.
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Flying Dutchmen
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by Flying Dutchmen »

Polito wrote: FD, serious question on KW, what do you think you are going to see that you haven't yet? This is his 3rd year playing college ball. What makes you think something is going to change based on his career history, which is very subpar for a point at this level?
I actually agree with you for the most part about Wormley, I had serious doubts about his ability to score coming in, but his overall guard play has been worse than I hoped, and right now he's playing like a liability.

What I do like Wormley though is his length and athleticism. He's got some talent, and the reality is we need him to play about 15 min a game so our other guards can get a breather. Whether the coaching staff expected more is not really my concern, they just have to coach him up to the point where he can be productive.

I thought Buie would come into the season as the starter, but honestly I think he's played progressively worse than Wormley. I don't know if it's his size, or that he's still not 100% back from the knee injury (Speedy intimated that you never get back to 100% with that injury in one of the pregame talks), but Buie is struggling right now defensively to the point where it's hard to give him minutes.

I'd like to see Wormley at the top of the 1-3-1 like we did with Nichols back in '16, that was a good look for our defense and we generated turnovers. In that role he can play aggressively for 15-20 min and not have to worry about fouling out.

As for the PG position offensively, we've been running a lot of offensive sets that take the ball out of the "PG"s hands with JWF and EP being the primary handlers. We need Wormley and Buie to score points when they are in the game, and they have not. We tailored the offense around Juan'ya being a classic PG when he was here, but in the non-Juan'ya years, the "PG" position hasn't been a crucial role, all guards take on PG duties. The key is to have guards who can score points.

But Wormley has just been too sloppy with the ball, he played out of control against Rider. The coaching staff can't let Wormley go the way of Ty Greer, and just play a 6-7 man rotation, I don't think that gets you over the top in the CAA.
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by Hofstra »

Flying Dutchmen wrote:
I'd like to see Wormley at the top of the 1-3-1 like we did with Nichols back in '16, that was a good look for our defense and we generated turnovers. In that role he can play aggressively for 15-20 min and not have to worry about fouling out.
Loved Nichols in that defense. He knew what to do, and whatever we got out of him offensively was an added bonus. He brought his energy onto the floor every single game. That dude had heart. Im not much of a heart guy, Im more results driven, but he was a big reason we won some games IMO.
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by EvanJ »

Flying Dutchmen wrote: As for the PG position offensively, we've been running a lot of offensive sets that take the ball out of the "PG"s hands with JWF and EP being the primary handlers. We need Wormley and Buie to score points when they are in the game, and they have not. We tailored the offense around Juan'ya being a classic PG when he was here, but in the non-Juan'ya years, the "PG" position hasn't been a crucial role, all guards take on PG duties. The key is to have guards who can score points.
Teams can be good without one player having way more assists than anybody else. In 2005-2006, Rivera led us in assists with 30 percent more than Agudio, who was third on the team. In the six seasons from 2005-2006 through 2010-2011, our player with the second most assists had at least half as many as our player with the most assists. In the six seasons from 2011-2012 through 2016-2017, our player with the second most assists had fewer than half as many as our player with the most assists. Juan'ya wasn't the only player to lead Hofstra in assists by a lot:

2011-2012: Dwan McMillan had 153 and Mike Moore had 66
2012-2013: Stevie Mejia had 132 and Taran Buie had 48
2013-2014: Dion Nesmith had 126 and Zeke Upshaw and Jordan Allen tied with 61
2014-2015: Green had 220 and Nesmith had 87
2015-2016: Green had 243 and Denton Koon had 53
2016-2017: Deron Powers had 166 and Pemberton had 62
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by ProudofPride »

HUclassof19 wrote:hi all - new to the board. current hofstra student who is a huge fan of the team. enjoying the season so far.
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by stuball888 »

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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by cactus »

HUclassof19 wrote:hi all - new to the board. current hofstra student who is a huge fan of the team. enjoying the season so far.
Hi and welcome to the boards!
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Re: Monmouth/Rider

Post by HUclassof19 »

thanks everyone!
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