Game#6 Siena

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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by triplec2195 »

Thanks Gary for that info. The heart and soul of most teams is their PG play and they lost a good guard in Deron Powers. I know some people knocked him maybe because he was small and bigger guards shot over him but still scored 13 + a game last year and had a lot of assists. I'm not sure if there is something physically wrong with Buie but clearly nobody is talking about it. Is he still rehabbing? When he came out of H.S. he was considered the best PG in the city. KW played well at the junior college level but now playing with new players and at a much higher level. So JR who scored 25 a game in H.S. should maybe get minutes at the point to see what he can do. I really don't believe that we could play much worse at this position and they shouldn't force JWF to play this position. He's a scoring machine that shouldn't be burdened with this since he's playing almost all 40 minutes as it is now. Anyone remember when we lost all those players to the scandal and had to watch Jordan Allen become a PG. It was ugly. There r probably times when Claxton runs the point in practice and he of all people probably isn't thrilled with what he's seeing. Next game against Division 2 Molloy and a good time maybe to experiment??
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by HofstraMathew »

We already have a solid point guard in Buie. He is averaging 3.2 assists in 18 minutes a game. If he is healthy enough he should be playing more minutes and probably can average 5 assists. He isn't going to score like powers or green but we don't need that from a point guard. We have plenty of other offensive weapons. And buie is probably our best defender especially in man to man.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by Cards »

HofstraMathew wrote:We already have a solid point guard in Buie. He is averaging 3.2 assists in 18 minutes a game. If he is healthy enough he should be playing more minutes and probably can average 5 assists. He isn't going to score like powers or green but we don't need that from a point guard. We have plenty of other offensive weapons. And buie is probably our best defender especially in man to man.
Could not agree more HM. I guess the only knock against DB is his height when combined with JWF in the backcourt - we are small. But I cannot see the additional 3-4 inches in height of KW being the difference maker. If DB is healthy, he needs to play more, and be given the freedom to make things happen on offense.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by Polito »

HUSID, can I please work for you? I have a killer resume, and I'll easily prove myself somewhere in the decade plus you give me to do so. Hell, I'll even think about taking a paycut if necessary. :P

You know I have nothing but love and respect for you - but my goodness... are you on the payroll?

The only thing you have EVER called out is the 19 and 20 year old PLAYERS. I mean I'm tough, but doing nothing but throwing kids under the bus is bush league - and JM does it too, it's W E A K and not true leadership. When does the PAID STAFF actually get held accountable for the team and production they roll out every year? I get that they can't make shots, but they are responsible for the roster THEY recruited and the rotation THEY choose. They are responsible for the offensive playcalling, the defense strategy/effectiveness, halftime adjustments, team culture and attitude, overall success, etc. Basically, everything.

The buck stops with the leadership, period. Stop being weak guys, IT'S YEAR 5. There is no more time, THIS is the time - get this program's ish together for goodness sake, it's ridiculous we have to deal with these kind of crap losses where the team doesn't 'come to play' after this many years. Of course everyone has bad games, but this team has WAY too many complete head-scratchers year after year - this is now a 3 game losing streak, and this team with VERY high expectations is depending on a lowly D2 to get the ship righted. That's year 1 nonsense.

And I don't need more time to see Siena, and don't care to - it was a pitiful loss. The were winless until HU, lost to a D2, and got blown out of the building by FGCU.

Buie looks and is playing healthy, so there is no reason he should not be the focal PG of this team. KW is performing exactly as expected if you took even a glance at his 3 year career (and no he did not play well in Juco for a PG - below avg). This is it. It's 2 assists per game, a handful of points, and plenty of turnovers. As I said MONTHS ago, he is not the right fit and not the answer this team needs. Yet the staff called him the difference-maker, which I called as complete BS and totally unfair to him - this kind of crap is what scares me about this staff :shock: :o :? :roll:

If this staff doesn't start and give Buie the dominant minutes, then that would be a clear sign they refuse to admit their mistake and would be willing to sacrafice the success of the team, season, and program for 'pride'. And if you think I'm angry now...

Big shoutout to Rok, he turned in a pretty stellar performance in this game and deserves kudos for it (though I couldn't give a rip about the rebounding record crap - that's the kind of individual stuff teams focus on when they're not WINNING). Keep that up big fella.

Look, I don't want to be negative, and I am pulling and praying for them to have a big year - and yes, it is still possible. But do not say for one second these games 'don't matter'. That is horsesh!t - that's the Mets 'don't worry it's early' mentality. It's completely incorrect, and that attitude will not produce winning consistently at a high level. They absolutely matter. They matter for the fanbase, for the players, for the record, for respect, for momentum, for recruiting.

I'm passionate, and I'm sick of mediocrity, no apologies for it. The gloves are off this year. There are no moral victories and no excuses.

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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by Flying Dutchmen »

It was a pathetic loss because we let Siena shoot 59% from the field. I think a lot of the problem is we've gotten too complicated with our defensive sets.

Like I said last week, at this point in the season, obviously I always want the W, but if we show progress, that's the most important thing, but I thought we regressed a little from the tournament last week because we lacked aggression on both sides of the ball, particularly defensively.

Offensively, I thought our guards got complacent in breaking down their 2-3 zone, and we settled for way too many perimeter shots. We did have an off-night shooting the ball despite getting good looks on the perimeter early, but towards the end we forced a lot of bad shots and let Siena run away with the game.

Our PG play was weak, but it was also a product of our offensive sets, we didn't really have a defined point guard in this game IMO. If you want to start Buie over Wormley, great, but there's a reason they've been splitting minutes, neither is doing anything special. Buie did absolutely nothing on Saturday and he's a bit of a defensive liability, more so than Wormley IMO, but I do think he moves within the offense better than Wormley at this point. Honestly though, If we're going to play on the perimeter the way we did on Saturday, both should sit and let Pemba handle the point, and have Radovic at the 3. Ray is showing potential, but he's in a shooting funk right now. If he can play though the shooting woes, I think we may have a player.

The idea that our PG somehow got schooled by their freshman PG because he got 11 assists is stupid. We played a zone most of the game, so did Siena, the PG didn't have many one on one battles. Their PG had a nice game because our defensive gameplan was poor.

Pemba had a rough night from the field, if he hits 4 more buckets and a one and one, we probably win. JWF is just forcing too many shots right now, what made him special last year was that he was shooting at such an efficient clip, if he's going to shoot 40% every game, he has to move the ball more. That's a bit of a critical assessment, because I don't think JWF has been bad, but our primary scorer has to shoot with a better percentage, or else we're going to lose a lot of games, that's the reality of our situation.

I thought our frontcourt battled hard and kept us in the game. Rok had another solid performance. We only got out rebounded because we missed so many shots and Siena shot 59%. We had 20! offensive rebounds, 12 from Rok, it was a great performance. Angus wasn't bad either offensively.

My main gripe at this point is on the defensive side of the ball. Every game we start in the 2-3, which the coaching staff has not been able to get across to the players in 5 years here. One of the main reasons I think it sucks so much is because we're incredibly passive. We're 350th in steal percentage! That's an embarrassment! It's a product of the strategy, we never pressure our opponent as to not pick up fouls. But guess what, both of our centers picked up two fouls in the first half anyway, and we had to play the last five minutes of the first half without a true frontcourt presence.

Not having a frontcourt in the first wasn't even the biggest problem though, we were so goddamn passive in the zone, Siena just moved it around the horn until they got their wide open shot, which they got nearly every possession without fail.

We did switch to more man to man in the second half, but there's so much of that crappy switching, it reminds me of how Woodson ran the defense when he was coaching the Knicks. It just doesn't work well because our defenders were sliding too late, and Siena continued to have their way. It's just another game where another opponent lit it up against us, this time it's a young Siena team that had been struggling up to this point, which makes it sting a little more, especially since we beat them by 20 at the Mack last year.

I'm not going to blow this loss out of proportion, because losses like Saturday's are a reality of mid-major basketball, but come on, it's always the same thing. We have to get more aggressive defensively, if we can't do it in the 2-3 zone, it needs to be dropped, or at least de-emphasized. We need to be able to have a poor shooting performance and overcome it with a good defensive performance if we want to win the CAA.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by triplec2195 »

HofstraMathew wrote:We already have a solid point guard in Buie. He is averaging 3.2 assists in 18 minutes a game. If he is healthy enough he should be playing more minutes and probably can average 5 assists. He isn't going to score like powers or green but we don't need that from a point guard. We have plenty of other offensive weapons. And buie is probably our best defender especially in man to man.
I'm not going to disagree with Buie being a good point guard but do disagree with not needing to get scoring from this position. We need to get scoring from every position and our PG play is clearly not so dominant that we can say we just need assists, defense and no turnovers from this position. Does everybody out there believe that the coaching staff is inept and there's no rhyme or reason why KW is starting over DB. Let's be honest here Buie knows this system and has been here for 2 plus years. He should have been the odds on favorite to take this position but didn't. Is it because of his injury last year or is it because he got flat beat out for the position?? I only saw the first home game of the year and he sat out most of the first half in foul trouble but played well in the second half. There's a lot of people who are quick to take sides with DB and not having seen much of KW I don't know who should be playing the bulk of the minutes here but I do like KW size and it is a factor. The reality of this position and the team in general is that they have already played 11 + games including the Canada games. This team should be a cohesive unit by now and probably we wouldn't be having all these back and forth discussions if that were the case. There are things that none of us are privy to that are determining the composition of this team but I still believe that change is right around the corner in terms of minutes and playing time.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by daHUPride »

It’s not necessarily the loss that I am upset about – in the whole scheme of things over a season 1 loss doesn’t make or break a season.
My frustration is the type of loss this is and when it occurs – we have a lot to prove – coming off competitive play vs. Dayton, Clemson and Auburn I’d expect us to come out and blow the Siena’s of the world away.
We seem to be the same old same old – never coming out and using previous losses as teaching experience.
We arguably have our best and deepest backcourt since 2005-07 (Stokes/Rivera/Augudio days) – but we don’t have a slayer, at least not yet (JFW?, EP?) – like Stokes/Jenkins/Green, a guy to take the team on their back night after night.
Coaching – we don’t recruit lockdown D players, never wants to use our depth, never going to prioritize D (over O or bitching to refs). I’d say we are more often out coached by opponents then we surprise/upset our opposition.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by HUSID74 »

HUSID, can I please work for you? I have a killer resume, and I'll easily prove myself somewhere in the decade plus you give me to do so. Hell, I'll even think about taking a paycut if necessary.

Polito, love your passion...but clearly much of it is mis-directed. If I had worked for you I would have been out the door the first time I was five minutes late or committed some MINOR faux pas. All you guys predicted what Joe was going to say in his press conference and you were all WRONG. The fact of the matter is that the team, with one or two exceptions mailed this one in for WHATEVER reason...maybe too much turkey over the holiday...he called out our guards in particular for their passive play....listen to what he said...he usually does not mention players but he was PISSED with the effort the team put forth and that to me is DISAPPOINTING! We have IMO the best team in terms of talent and depth that we have had since Joe arrived on campus but they need to PLAY and PLAY hard...You can make all the coaching adjustments, Stu that you want, but if the kids do not put out the EFFORT it does not work. We all know why we play the zone and that is to PROTECT ROK from foul trouble...but we were way to PASSIVE...this team had better show some they did in Charleston...and oh I stick by my earlier statement that I DON'T CARE WAHT WE DO PRIOR to CAA PLAY...for a mid that is all that matters...If you think that people will come or not come to games based upon an 11 point loss to Siena you're crazy! If you took a poll on the Hofstra campus today about the game I would wager that less than 5% would even know whether there was a game played let alone that we lost and should have won...sorry that's reality fellas.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by HUSID74 »

HUSID74 wrote:"HUSID, can I please work for you? I have a killer resume, and I'll easily prove myself somewhere in the decade plus you give me to do so. Hell, I'll even think about taking a paycut if necessary."

Polito, love your passion...but clearly much of it is mis-directed. If I had worked for you I would have been out the door the first time I was five minutes late or committed some MINOR faux pas. All you guys predicted what Joe was going to say in his press conference and you were all WRONG. The fact of the matter is that the team, with one or two exceptions mailed this one in for WHATEVER reason...maybe too much turkey over the holiday...he called out our guards in particular for their passive play....listen to what he said...he usually does not mention players but he was PISSED with the effort the team put forth and that to me is DISAPPOINTING! We have IMO the best team in terms of talent and depth that we have had since Joe arrived on campus but they need to PLAY and PLAY hard...You can make all the coaching adjustments, Stu that you want, but if the kids do not put out the EFFORT it does not work. We all know why we play the zone and that is to PROTECT ROK from foul trouble...but we were way to PASSIVE...this team had better show some they did in Charleston...and oh I stick by my earlier statement that I DON'T CARE WAHT WE DO PRIOR to CAA PLAY...for a mid that is all that matters...If you think that people will come or not come to games based upon an 11 point loss to Siena you're crazy! If you took a poll on the Hofstra campus today about the game I would wager that less than 5% would even know whether there was a game played let alone that we lost and should have won...sorry that's reality fellas.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by stuball888 »

Ok so we agree to disagree but we all want the same thing
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by joeg1 »

What good is playing zone to protect the bigs from foul trouble if it is terribly ineffective? Staying out of foul trouble is not an end in itself.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by daHUPride »

joeg1 wrote:What good is playing zone to protect the bigs from foul trouble if it is terribly ineffective? Staying out of foul trouble is not an end in itself.
How about occasionally using different looks without bigs Gustys and Sabaty - for example Angus, Truehart and Radovic in the back row.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by joeg1 »

daHUPride wrote:
joeg1 wrote:What good is playing zone to protect the bigs from foul trouble if it is terribly ineffective? Staying out of foul trouble is not an end in itself.
How about occasionally using different looks without bigs Gustys and Sabaty - for example Angus, Truehart and Radovic in the back row.
I was thinking the same

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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by HUSID74 »

daHUPride wrote:
joeg1 wrote:What good is playing zone to protect the bigs from foul trouble if it is terribly ineffective? Staying out of foul trouble is not an end in itself.
How about occasionally using different looks without bigs Gustys and Sabaty - for example Angus, Truehart and Radovic in the back row.
Why don't you ask the coach?
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by HofstraMathew »

triplec2195 wrote:
HofstraMathew wrote:We already have a solid point guard in Buie. He is averaging 3.2 assists in 18 minutes a game. If he is healthy enough he should be playing more minutes and probably can average 5 assists. He isn't going to score like powers or green but we don't need that from a point guard. We have plenty of other offensive weapons. And buie is probably our best defender especially in man to man.
I'm not going to disagree with Buie being a good point guard but do disagree with not needing to get scoring from this position. We need to get scoring from every position and our PG play is clearly not so dominant that we can say we just need assists, defense and no turnovers from this position.
I would love scoring from every position but I don't think the PG is a spot we need 15 points per game from. We are getting 20.2 from JWF, 17.4 from EP, a combined 13.7 from the 5 spot and a combined 11.7 from the 4 spot. That totals 63 points (plus a few more from the bench spots for the rare time EP or JWF isn't on the floor). Add the 8 points we are getting now from the PG spot and 71 points should be enough to win games if we play solid defense not to mention if the point guard has more assists the other players scoring averages would probably go up.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by Polito »

I don't know HUSID... I'm seeing a common thread amongst everyone here so far this season and the past few years... and it isn't the players.

(P.S. 5 minutes isn't 5 years - I support them too, but not over the program - they've had enough time)

If this staff can't get this team up for a great road game matchup in front of a strong crowd in a great facility against JM's former conf opponent... :shock:

JWF and Pemba did ok, but perfectly fine to call out the PG's, they did not play well at all. But see here's the deal - Buie isn't allowed to get into a rythm, and KW was a terrible signing that they are trying to pretend wasn't. If they expect him to be a strong PG then they completely whiffed on his evaluation. And that in itself is a huge concern. So maybe they should be calling out themselves??

These are the guys THEY brought in and the rotation THEY choose. As are the D sets. I'm seeing a scary trend in where to look when explaining this programs overarching struggles. Hint Repeat: It doesn't seem to be all on the players.

Agree 100% HM. The PG spot for HU should not be where points are counted on coming from. I look for 10-12 a game, max. I want ASSISTS. 6-8 a game, minimum.

You need your PG to CREATE and DISH - hoops 101. When all they think about is scoring, they don't do their #1 job. And it doesn't work, unless it's a Green level talent. And HU doesn't have that. So why in the world would we want a score first point??? We wouldn't, if we were thinking.

Yet here we are - went out and brought in a score first point. Oh, except he also doesn't really score, he just uses up vital possessions to attempt to do so. I would like to see guards drive to the basket to draw contact, the foul, score, or kickout after collapsing the D. Ya know, organized well-coached basketball.

Right on the money triplec, I'm seeing little to no positive effect from the extra preseason work. This team should be well-oiled and ROLLING. Perhaps next time they should play those CA games under real rules instead of allowing guys to rack up double-digit fouls and still keep playing :roll:

FD, agree with much of you post too - the questions are fair and concerning...When is this team going to win games it doesn't shoot lights out in? When is it going to win defensive battles? When is this team going to actually OUT-COACH an opponent?

And please don't anyone insult our intelligence by saying Dayton - this was all about timing, and I noted preseason it was this teams best shot for a surprise quality W - let's remember Capel is in his year 1 - if they played again mid-end year they would beat HU by 15-20.

Bottom line for me is: If this is the ceiling, I'm not ok with it. Losing my patience with the nonsense I'm seeing from what I have to believe are qualified people. This season needs to be different. Get the ship
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by HUSID74 »

Oh so now Dayton was about timing???? Come on! Read your posts...we were great against Dayton and now we STINK! My guess is we are somewhere closer to our performance in the Dayton game. Sure Siena was a stinker but it is ONE game...And oh by the way the Dayton coach is Anthony Grant and his teams used to CRUSH us when he was at VCU...Let's see where we are at the end of December...only then will we be able to judge this team properly.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by garyg »

With a new AD on the way JAM needs to make this season a success I mean 20 plus wins and a strong showing in the CAA tourney...after 5 years would hate for the program to have to start all over again...
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by stuball888 »

HUsid you said our forwards dont crash the boards because they are not athletic enough. How about our guards. You dont think they are athletic enough. Sienas guards Penn 5ft11 had 4 boards Clareth 6ft5 3 boards Bentley 6ft2 5 boards and shivers 6ft4 5 boards and kahil 6ft0 2 boards. Thats 19 rebounds., Our back court Forman with 3 and Pemba with 7. While in the grand scheme of things yes the OOC loss does not have as much weight as a conference game its still important to keep up and create new fans. By your way of thinking even conference games mean squat as the only games that are important are the 3 to 4 games in the CAA torurnament. A team could go winless and win 4 games in the tourney they are in the NCAAs.
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Re: Game#6 Siena

Post by stuball888 »

Gary I agree. How many years left on JAMS contract. I just dont see rabinowitz buying him out of the contract.
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